Chocolate Giant Hersey’s Sparks Boycott Threat With New Candy Bar The ‘HerShe’ That Promotes Transgender ‘Women’ In New Ad Campaign


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    People are mad and threatening to boycott Hershey’s Chocolate after the brand featured a transgender woman in the ‘HerShe’ ad campaign for International Woman’s Day 2023.

    First of all, I cannot participate in what I hope will be a massive boycott of chocolate maker Hershey’s because they make pretty bad chocolate compared to companies like Ghirardelli Chocolate, which is my favorite, so you won’t ever find me with a Hershey’s Bar. But now that Hershey’s is promoting transgender women with their new ‘HerShe’ Bar ad campaign, which is to say men who have been mutilated, I think I will go eat a few Hershey’s bars just so I can boycott them.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)

    Your King James Bible tells you that God made humans in two genders, male and female, and that’s all He made. He didn’t make a half-man and half-woman, He didn’t muddy the water, He made a man and a woman. It is Satan who puts into the heart of people a spirit of confusion, and leads them to do things against God and against nature created by God. I pray for many transgender souls to get saved and be set free of this demonic enslavement, and at the same time I pray that Christians around the world will immediately cease from purchasing anything made by Hershey’s chocolate. Biological man cannot ever, under any circumstances, become female, and that’s the gospel truth.

    Candy Bar Giant Hershey Threatened With Boycott After Launch Of The ‘HerShe’ Chocolate Bar Celebrating Transgender Women

    FROM THE NY POST: The chocolate meltdown came to light after the Pennsylvania-based candy company brought back its “She” bar — known as “Her” in Canada — in an effort to “celebrate the women changing the future,” according to the candy giant’s website.

    The wrapper features the faces of five women who were selected to be part of the cacao-fueled empowerment campaign. One of the featured candy-promoters is Fae Johnstone, a Canadian transgender rights activist, who celebrated her selection on Twitter.

    “The chocolate’s out of the wrapper!” Johnstone, 24, gushed. “Honored to be featured in this campaign by @Hersheys Canada for #InternationalWomensDay alongside 4 brilliant sisters and change-makers.”

    “It also means a lot to be included, as a young(ish?) trans woman,” she added in a followup Tweet. “I grew up with few trans role models. Many young trans folks haven’t met a trans adult. I hope this campaign shows trans girls they can dream big and change the world too.”

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