8x more people died due to C-19 Vaccination over 6 months than died of COVID-19 over 18 months according to UK GOV.


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    Official Government reports confirming eight times more people died due to Covid-19 vaccination within six months of the vaccine rollout than had died of Covid-19 within eighteen months are extremely worrying and evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines currently on offer should have been withdrawn from public use nearly 2 years ago.

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    According to official NHS data which can be viewed here, from March 2020 up to the 25th of August 2021; a period of 18 months, 90,147 Covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test have been recorded in England hospitals.

    Of these 86.315 all died of other serious pre-existing conditions including dementia, chronic kidney disease, chronic pulmonary disease, chronic neurological disease, and heart disease. However, they were added to the Covid statistics due to having received a positive test within 28 days of their death.

    Based on Public Health Scotland data seen in the following chart it would seem the top pre-existing condition of those who’ve died with a positive test result for Covid-19 has been dementia, followed by heart disease and chronic respiratory disease.

    When you consider that testing was compulsory in hospitals, despite it not being written in law, and they used the PCR test notorious for producing false positives, it’s not hard to see how the Government managed to mix tens of thousands of people who actually died of other causes into the Covid-19 death statistics.

    Thankfully the NHS data informs us that just 3,832 people actually died OF Covid-19 within 28 days of a positive test result in England hospitals between March 2020 and August 25th 2021.

    Dozens of freedom of information requests were made to Public Health England (PHE); now known as the UK Health Security AGency (UKHSA) during this period requesting to know how many people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, but each and every time PHE claimed they did “not hold the information requested”.

    But after months of trying to conceal the data, the Office for National Statistics published a report which contained figures on deaths by vaccination status.

    But those figures may have actually been published by accident. may have been by accident.

    report published by the ONS on September 13th 2021 misled the public into believing the majority of Covid-19 deaths were occurring among the unvaccinated population. But the date parameters used in their report – January 2nd 2021 to July 2nd 2021- include a huge swathe of deaths that were suffered during the second alleged wave of Covid-19 in January 2021, when barely anybody was vaccinated.

    The figures contained in the report were supposed to mislead the public into believing Covid-19 vaccination was fantastic at preventing death. But by publishing those figures they accidentally revealed that 30,305 people had died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England between January 2nd and July 2nd 2021.

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