While The Takeover And Takedown Of The Human Race Is In Full Swing, The Globalists Rely Upon Orchestrated Crises And ‘The Pandemic Of Doubting God’ To Accomplish Sinister Schemes


    by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

    Worry. Anxiety. Depression. These disorders have reached pandemic proportions — afflicting people from all walks of life, worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here in America, more than one in three adults (37%) suffer from depression or some form of major anxiety disorder. It was recently reported that among Gen Z young people, that number rises to nearly 60%.

    For those afflicted, there’s no shortage of fuel for our worry and anxiety. Today we face job losses and record unemployment, even in the midst of hyper-inflation. People — especially men and heads of households — worry about paying the bills, keeping food on the table and heating their homes. Our so-called “government leaders” have deliberately orchestrated crisis after crisis for American citizens as a means of control. Real people are being seriously hurt by their actions, yet they’re never held accountable.

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    Faced with these threats, many are ready to give up their freedoms in exchange for Big Brother’s promise to make it all better. Yet we know that big government and socialism isn’t really the answer — and so we worry more — if not for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren.

    The truth is, the world has always been in turmoil, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. I wonder what people worried about a thousand years ago — or two thousand years ago — or five thousand years ago. Surely they all had worries of their own. Our parents had worries. Our grandparents had worries. And today, we carry on the tradition, but we’ve amped it up a bit.

    I don’t mean to make light of the situation, because anxiety disorders are real. Those who suffer these maladies can’t help themselves. Sufferers often know their emotions are out of control, their feelings are unreasonable, their worries are largely unfounded. Yet they can’t seem to pull out of it. It becomes a downward spiral, often into deep depression, or to the point where they can no longer function normally.

    So they turn to pharmakea — prescription medications — in a futile effort to feel “normal” again. But with many of these pills, the number one side effect is the very thing it’s supposed to suppress: depression. For some of these so-called “medications,” a major side effect is “suicidal thoughts or tendencies.” The poisons in these drugs aren’t the answer, friends.

    God’s Word tells us 365 times (once for each day of the year) to “Fear Not.” Fear not. Jesus Himself spent a lot of time teaching on this subject. In Luke 12, He said, “…Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds?” 

    He went on to ask the question, “Can any of you add a single cubit to his height (or one moment to his life span) by worrying? If then, you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest?” 

    Then He said, “Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.”

    Indeed, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. You know, most of the things we worry so much about never happen. In our world today, there are predictions of catastrophe coming at us from every direction. Threats of more global tyranny; a total disruption of our food supplies; a ‘Great Reset’ of our financial system and everything else; a looming invasion and threats of war. And our country has never before been as sick, perverted and Godless as it is today. I dare say things have never looked worse for the future of America.

    The things that are predicted may or may not happen. Granted, the Globalists are not giving up, they’re digging in deeper to enslave the whole planet. Those are their plans and they have little to no opposition. It’s no wonder people worry. But this world and the things in it — and the lifestyles we’re used to — should not be where our “treasure” lies. We need to fix our hearts and minds on the things above, not on earthly, fleshly desires.

    I understand that’s easier said than done, when you go to the grocery store and eggs are $8 a dozen. When you get your heating and electric bills and they’re double what they were a year ago. When companies are laying off record numbers of people, our economy is failing, and for many, when they don’t know where their next meal will come from.

    We need to remember that God provides for everything He has made. He sustains this old world. And He cares deeply about each of those who are His children. The Bible says He even numbers the very hairs of our heads! God feeds the birds of the air personally. Isn’t that amazing?! How He cares for, and provides for His creation! And as His children, He especially delights in providing for all of our needs. Even more so when we look to Him and trust Him for His provision and acknowledge His hand of care upon our lives, with gratefulness, humbleness and thanksgiving.

    Consider a tree. From its roots to its trunk, to its branches and beyond, it draws water and nutrients up to the tips of the upper-most leaves. Man, in all his wisdom, cannot build a pump efficient enough to do a task like this. Yet God has equipped the trees to survive and thrive — automatically! And look at the intricacies of a leaf and consider how the tree cleans our air and provides oxygen for all the earth’s creatures!

    Consider your own body. The Bible says that God “knit” each of us together in our mother’s wombs. Scientists are now coming to understand that this word “knit” is more appropriate than anyone realized previously. Our muscles and sinews and internal organs and bones are literally “knit” together, and — the process begins at the moment of conception. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Consider your eyes, your hands, your senses. Consider how our bodies heal themselves and fight infection and disease, with no need of a poison jab!

    Consider the delicate balance of nature, how the Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to provide us with the ideal climate. Consider how the Moon not only lights our night sky, but also controls our ocean tides, so the water of our planet is not dead and stagnant, but moves, cleans itself and sustains life.

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