When Nighttime Falls. Lessons from “Savage Continent”


    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    I’ve been working my way through Savage Continent by Keith Lowe lately, and it’s one of the most heart-rending books I’ve ever read. It’s up there with We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families for me. Extremely powerful, important works, that leave you feeling more angry than relaxed, but after you’re finished reading them, you understand that you’ve learned about a time you needed to know about. If you’ve been to the Holocaust Museum, Pearl Harbor Memorial, or Ground Zero in NYC, you know the feeling.

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    I highly recommend reading them both. (You can get both for like $4 on Amazon, so why not?)

    While the only lessons from these books aren’t “prepper” lessons by far, I do think that there are things that a man can glean from these books that will help him to better understand how anarchy will play out in his hometown when it comes. These stories don’t just teach us about the depravity of man, they help to teach us how to prevent the same acts of depravity from happening again in the future.

    If you don’t learn from history, you’re doomed to repeat it, right? 

    From studying the Rwandan Genocide of the 1990s (from that book above), I learned that a lot of the massacres and other acts of evil took place at night. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Bad people like doing bad things at night because there’s less chance of being caught.

    This is actually a part of how a criminal determines if he’s going to engage in a crime or not. He weighs the cost. What’s the reward? What’s the risk of getting caught? Those two variables combined play a huge part in the outcome.

    In Savage Continent – a look at post-World War 2 Europe – we see the extent of the lawlessness in The Old World after VE Day had passed. The author is a Brit, so you can see inklings of his being a socialist/globalist throughout the book, but if you look past his opinions into the actual stories, he’s got a lot of good information there.

    In many ways, things got worse for people after VE Day brought peace throughout The Continent. And much like Rwanda decades later, terrible things took place under the cover of darkness.

    (Need more info on how to keep your family safe? Then check out our free QUICKSTART Guide to emergency evacuations.)

    Fast forward to modern day. 

    Imagine you live in a world where a large segment of the population has been dehumanized in every form of media possible, via the entire education system, through corporate policies, and through government action. Add to that some type of catastrophe. In Rwanda’s case, that catastrophe was Rwanda shooting their own president out of the sky with a missile and then lying about it, blaming “the cockroaches.” The catastrophe of Savage Continent was war leading to anarchy.

    Now add in highly trained, equipped, and organized people who have zero moral scruples about committing atrocities.

    Post-World War 2, these people were often Russian troops, starving refugees, or the remaining Nazis. (I was pretty surprised at what the French did to people post-war too. Getting your eyeballs ripped out and having bugs sewn into your empty sockets was a fun Savage Continent bit of info I’d never heard about before.) There were a lot of small race wars post-WW2 as well, particularly in Eastern Europe.

    People were furious, hungry, and looking for scapegoats. Post-WW2 ended up being the “perfect” opportunity for atrocities as a result.

    In Rwanda, these people without moral scruples were the Hutu people and the (Hutu) Rwandan military. The Hutu civilians may not have been highly trained overall, but they had formally been equipped with plenty of machetes by their military. They were equipped.

    If you live anywhere near the Rio Grande, have you seen the pictures of the weapon platforms that our Border Control guys are finding people with? Have you seen how the cartel is arming itself? They just took on the Mexican military about four weeks ago and held their own, in case you didn’t know. Not the first time, either. You already remember the events of the summer of 2020. We talked about the “Night of Rage” just the other day. Substations across the US keep on getting attacked, and we can mysteriously never figure out who it was. We found a Chinese-installed kill switch on a large electrical grid component a few years ago. Russia has amazing cyber attack potential, let alone nukes. North Korean satellites were flying over the US (at least as of a few years ago. There doesn’t seem to be much discussion about them since). Are they armed with EMP weapons? Who knows?

    The point is that there are a number of things set up for tremendous catastrophes, and there are a lot of evil people out there who are geared up for war.

    And then there’s you. 

    Small-town Mr. American, just trying to pay the bills, take care of his family, and give your family a life filled with the good things that you missed out on as a kid.

    How does this guy stand a chance in that type of Savage Continent catastrophic environment when evil people roam the dark?

    You already have your rifle, ammunition, and pistol, and that’s all great and necessary. Why did you pick a rifle? Because you know that you can only do so much with a Glock 17. A Glock has its purpose, but it’s not an AR-10. You picked an AR-10 because you knew it was a piece of gear that would give you an edge.

    But what about if doo doo starts to fly in the middle of the winter when it’s dark most of the time? And it doesn’t even have to be winter. This could be the middle of the summer when things happen. In either case, you are going to need to be able to protect your family not only during the day but during the night as well. Why is it that there are some areas of town that you don’t go to after dark?

    This is why I think you really need to start considering night vision.

    You picked an AR-10 because you know that the bad guys out there could very well have the same. You may have even picked up some ceramic plates for the very same reason. But the bad guys are wearing night vision too. How will you fare against an enemy that can see you that you can’t see back?

    I like listening to scanners because there’s a lot of information that you can pick up that was around you the whole time that you would have never known about otherwise until it was too late. The other day I was listening to the scanner and discovered that there was a manhunt for a drug dealer not too far from my location. I would have never known that otherwise and was able to drive a different direction to where I needed to go.

    Read More @ TheOrganicPrepper.ca