United Airlines employees file lawsuit over tyrannical, government-backed COVID jab mandate


    by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News:

    (LifeSiteNews) — In what promises to be a landmark legal case with broad implications for the entire nation, a group of United Airlines (UAL) employees — terminated, laid off, or otherwise living in limbo after being denied religious exemptions from their company’s COVID-19 “vaccine” mandate — has filed a lawsuit claiming that the airline colluded with the U.S. government, acting as its puppet to force employees to receive a dangerous experimental drug that is not actually a vaccine, but a form of “gene therapy.”   

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    Their case asserts that when the Biden administration’s unconscionable goal of requiring every working person across the land to submit to the COVID-19 jab was stymied by Congress and the courts, the administration found a willing accomplice in the private sector to carry out its totalitarian intent.    

    Thirty brave men and women have joined together in this legal complaint to let UAL know that there is a high price to pay for willfully deceiving, coercing, harassing, and inflicting grave physical harm on Americans by enforcing an unfounded, unjustifiable, dangerous medical mandate.   

    At the same time, they are the proverbial “canary in the coal mine.” Their employer’s unrestrained, nightmarish treatment in response to their sincere attempt to follow their consciences and remain true to their religious beliefs is a warning to all Americans that the woke religion of our increasingly Marxist government demands unswerving fealty.   

    The high-profile attorney representing them, John M. Pierce, is also currently representing Carter Page regarding FISA abuse and Laura Loomer in her RICO suit against Big Tech Giants and is legal counsel for more than 20 of the January 6 defendants.  All of these cases are not only hugely consequential to U.S. conservatives, their outcomes will play a role in determining if America will remain true to her founding or drift further toward an inhuman Marxist existence. 

    Their case  321 points spanning 64 pages  naming UAL, its executives, and UAL board members as defendants, was filed on January 19 in Cooke County, Illinois, where United Airlines is headquartered.   

    This case has, so to speak, flown beneath the radar, garnering little attention … until now. 

    ‘It’s the jab or your job’ 

    As stated clearly at the outset of their complaint, UAL’s behavior “flies in the face of one of our country’s founding freedoms; the freedom of religion.” 

    “This case is actually not so much about United Airlines. It incorporates freedoms and liberty for all employees in America,” former UAL pilot Tom Floyd told LifeSiteNews.  

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