Top Ex-CIA Official: U.S. Government-&-Press Now Constantly Lie For More Wars


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    The former Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy branch of the CIA, who became the CIA official that in the early 2000s informed America’s President every day and answered his questions about the latest intelligence reports, addressed the U.N. Security Council on 21 February 2023, and he revealed to them that the U.S. Government knew in 1995 that Saddam Hussein’s entire WMD program and stockpiles were destroyed by Saddam’s people who had built it, destroyed under Saddam’s own command for them to do so, but that the CIA was lying to the public to allege that Iraq still constituted a WMD danger to the world, or at least to express doubts, about whether it still did have WMD. (I wrote even more conclusively about President G.W. Bush’s personal involvement in the deception about this, here.)

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    The retired CIA official, Ray McGovern, who had been reading to President Bush the Daily Intelligence Brief and so knew that this U.S. President was lying to the public about what the CIA knew, told the U.N. Security Council on February 21st that the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent report that and how the current U.S. President, Joe Biden, had made his decisions to destroy, and had overseen the destruction of, the two Nord Stream natural gas pipelines from Russia to the EU, is, according to McGovern’s sources, like all of Hersh’s prior reports had been: impeccable in its methodology and sourcing and extremely credible though it contradicts the U.S. Government’s lies.

    Because Mr. McGovern was addressing the U.N. Security Council, which consists primarily of the U.S. Government and its allies, his presentation was generally contradicted by others there (without supplying any evidence — they had no case other than that they were saying Hersh’s article is just a bunch of lies — which the U.S. representative there stated unequivocally), and the U.N. is sufficiently beholden to the U.S. Government for its funding so that McGovern’s statement made apparently no impression there. In fact, the U.N.’s official summary of the proceedings contains separate summaries of each one of 16 presentations that were made, excepting only McGovern’s and Jeffrey Sachs’s (which was also supportive of Hersh’s article). Whether that was despite, or instead because, his was by far more important and evidentially relevant than all of the 16 presentations which were listed, can only be guessed. Though Jeffrey Sachs’s presentation was likewise supportive of Hersh’s article, it had no evidence of his own to supply regarding the matter. All of the other presentations were varying degrees of rejection or conditional support of Hersh’s article. If the presentations by McGovern and Sachs weren’t summarized because they aren’t public officials, then why did the U.N.S.C. even include them?) However, for any member of the general public, McGovern’s statement — unlike any of the others — comes from a person who has impeccable credentials to speak precisely and with some personal authority about these matters, and clearly does present strong evidence that the U.S. Government will do practically everything to increase the chances of war wherever and whenever it can do so, and that the U.S. Government routinely lies to the public in order to foment and perpetrate wars. So, McGovern’s testimony there was historically very important. Maybe that’s the reason they excluded to summarize it in their summary — so that the U.S. team’s lies that were being exposed by his presentation would not be known to individuals who read only that summary of the proceedings.

    I recommend that any reader here should view and listen to McGovern’s riveting presentation (just click onto its title immediately below or on its URL address immediately above it, and you will hear and see his presentation), because his manner of presentation, the body-language etc., constitutes itself evidence regarding his sincerity about what he was saying. Nonetheless, I have prepared here a written transcript of his presentation and place it below that, because no written transcript of it currently exists, at least online: Mr. McGovern was speaking without any prepared text. Since this statement of his is a very important item of historical evidence, and relates to one of the biggest international war crimes of this Century so far — relates to international sabotage against Europe, the blowing up of those pipelines — I decided to take the time to prepare this transcript from it:

    “Ray Mc Govern at the UN Security Council on Nordstream/S.Hersh”

    21 February 2023, 17:38


    On my way here in two airports this morning, I noticed a bunch of children, uh, little children and school-aged children, and maybe think back to my days as a school-aged child. I was one of those who hid under my desk because of the threat of the Russian atom bomb, as though that would protect me. Fast forward when I became a professional analyst and chief of the Soviet foreign policy Branch at CIA.

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