Thought Police Retroactively Censor Ian Fleming


    from Moonbattery:

    It isn’t enough to make new James Bond movies moonbatty and lame, complete with a cultural Marxism-compliant Woman of Color 007. Everything that came before this generation of intolerant leftists must be erased and replaced — or at the very least edited. That’s why the original Ian Fleming novels are getting run through the Ministry of Truth so as to comply with woke ideology:

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    Later this April, fresh installments of the Bond book series will be reissued to commemorate its 70th anniversary.

    But this reissue has a difference. …

    Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, which owns the literary rights to the novels, commissioned a “sensitivity” review of the Bond novels to find out if any of its contents failed to meet the contemporary standards of political correctness.

    Following these reviews, changes have been made to the novels.

    Click through to read some of the alterations, which pertain to erasing anything that could be construed as reflecting negatively on blacks. Other thought crimes survive for now to be erased in future editions.

    You didn’t think they would stop with Roald Dahl, did you?

    If you have any Shakespeare in print, hide it securely so that it might survive for future generations.

    On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

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