“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


    from State Of The Nation:

    This time around, Zio-Nazi Ukraine
    is playing the part of Nazi Germany
    in a long-planned Khazarian scheme
    to trigger World War III as a pretext
    to forming a totalitarian One World Government, fully implementing
    their New World Order agenda and executing their civilization-destroying Great Reset.

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé provides the back story to the greatest theft of wealth ever perpetrated in world history.  Truly, the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which was unlawfully passed via an elaborate Khazarian criminal conspiracy, created the conducive environment for a century of highly consequential cataclysms to unfold around the globe by way of an immense amount of stolen wealth. See: The World Wars And All Other Cataclysmic Events Were Carried Out By THE TRIAD

    KEY POINTS: The very telling historical timeline of those “Cataclysmic Events” irrefutably proves that the illicit establishment of the U.S. Federal Reserve System was the most defining moment in modern history.  For the Khazarian Cabal was essentially given secret and unfettered access to the U.S. Treasury from which to fund their world wars and regional armed conflicts, color revolutions and civil wars, staged pandemics and real epidemics, acts of nuclear, chemical & biological terrorisms, mass shootings and mass bombings, economic depressions and financial destructions, monetary meltdowns and currency wars, market manipulations and gold price suppressions, real estate collapses and stock market crashes, corporate takeovers and government takedowns, weather warfare and geoterrorism, false flag operations and shocking violent attacks, etc.  The Khazarians were also given free access to the every other central bank on the planet via their highly controlled Central Banking Cartel.  However, it’s the continuous cover-ups of so many Khazarian-directed national crime sprees and global crime waves which have required an enormous amount of funding and personnel, energy and resources in order to be effective. Just imagine how much money was required to pull off and cover up the COVID CON alone.  Which is why the entire planetary civilization has been victimized by one gold robbery after another over centuries, all of them carried out by the ubiquitous Khazarian Mafia (further delineated and documented below).

    CAVEAT: The stunning list of genocidal crimes against humanity shown in the “TRIAD” link above is but a foreshadowing of what the Khazarian Cabal has planned for the whole world community of nations.  For their coup de grâce is the rapidly evolving World War III which is being stealthily engineered across the global geopolitical chessboard in 2023 and beyond.  Only this time around, Ukraine is Germany. As for the United States and the Russian Federation, they are being quite intentionally pitted against one another so that the two traditionally Christian nations will totally destroy each other … … … leaving only the Khazarian Zionists to rule the world from their capital in Jerusalem.

    Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co