The Real Globalist ‘Mastermind’ Behind the Great Reset: ‘Prophet’ Jacques Attali (Videos)


    by Ruby Eden, RAIR Foundation:

    Like his globalist counterpart, World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab, Jacques Attali is the lesser-known architect shaping the future.

    If you have never heard of Jacques Attali, that might be intentional. Among the globalist architects, he is a shadowy figure who not only influences the course of French politics but also shapes our future – globally. Is Jacques Attali merely a spokesman presenting the plans for powerful globalist networks, or could he be the real mastermind behind moving us all toward a Great Reset?

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    Who is Jacques Attali

    Jacques Attali was born November 1, 1943, in French Algeria. His father, Simon Attali, achieved success in perfumery with his shop “Bib et Bab” in Algiers. But, as the story goes, two years after the beginning of the Algerian Independence War (1954-1962), Simon Attali decided to move to Paris with his family.

    Political Advisor, Author & Prophet

    Jacques Attali studied at the Ivy League of French universities, receiving his Ph.D. in economics from the University Paris Dauphine in 1972. His political career started during his tenure as a Professor of Economics at the same university. He is best known for being a special advisor & counselor to left-wing French President François Mitterrand from 1981-1991, but Attali also directed Mitterrand’s political campaign for the presidential election in 1974.

    For over 45 years, Jacques Attali has been present in the political landscape in France. He has written over 40 books, some of which could be described as visions of colorful utopias and others as prophetic. Attali also co-founded EUREKA, a European inter-governmental program for new technologies, which developed, among other things, the MP3.

    He is currently the Founder, Chairman, and President of Positive Planet, a globalist organization that contributes to the United Nations’ 2030 globalist agenda. As reported previously at RIAR Foundation USA, “their Agenda is nothing less than global government tyranny that enslaves all humanity while calling the scheme ‘sustainable development’ and ‘equality.’” As the World Economic Forum states, by 2030, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”


    Jacques Attali’s World Economic Forum Profile


    Covid Prediction

    In the following video translated by RAIR, French writer Paul-Étienne Pierrecourt examines some of Jacques Attali’s writings and his stunning predictions that apply to world events of the last few years.

    In his book the “21st Century Dictionary,” published in 1998, Jacques Attali describes a future pandemic to establish a world police force that eventually becomes a planetary power. He highlights specific terms, including the word “Epidemic.” In addition, Attali states, “we will take planetary measures of containment, which will briefly question nomadism and democracy.”

    Other terms described by Attali include “Genetic Therapy,” “Gene Therapy with Nanotechnologies” and, “Panic,”

    The engine of markets and democracy The panic, the sheep-like process by which each imitates the other for fear of being marginalized and left behind, is not a malfunction of Western civilization but its very essence.

    The “Prevention” section is fascinating:

    The first risk against which we will continue to want to protect ourselves is disease. The prevention will invade our entire existence.

    In the Republic section, he addresses a future of borderless nations, stating, “Above all, what remains especially important is to invent a republic without territory, without walls. Diasporic.” Attali then pivots to “Income,” which he predicts “Universal Income” and working from home via “telecommuting”:

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