
    from State Of The Nation:


    SOTN Editor’s Note: If you really want to know about the slow-motion controlled demolition of the American Republic taking place since the passing Federal Reserve Act of 1913, then read on.  For whoever controls the money supply controls the destiny of that nation or society or civilization.

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    Every country on the planet, which has undergone a similar order-ending collapse, was taken down by the same Khazarian Cabal.  This most dangerous of all international crime syndicates is variously made up of Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers, Black Nobility war profiteers, Khazarian mafiosos, Jesuit hitmen, etc.  Their primary strategy is Ordo ab Chao.  Their trademark MO is sowing seeds of chaos, confusion and conflict throughout their targeted nation or society.

    In point of fact, the whole world has been carved up by the Khazarian Mafia’s international crime syndicate much as La Cosa Nostra mafia families own and operate their respective territories in cities like Chicago and New York, New Orleans or Miami.  What very few ever understand is that every nation on Earth is ruled in the very same way.  Which means that the mob rules the day, each and every day, throughout America as evidenced by a hopelessly corrupt US Congress, brazenly criminal Executive Branch and transparently crooked Supreme Court.

    What’s the crucial point?

    That every organ of the U.S. Federal Government was insidiously ponerized over several decades to bring about the now exceedingly dangerous Khazarian-directed Deep State which currently dictates all American policies both domestic and foreign.  The stealthy process by which this long-planned scheme of ponerization was carried out is well explained in the following link.

    PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over
    by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

    Once the political reality that a fully ponerized ZOG totally dominates the U.S. Federal Government is comprehended, only then can the American people begin the process of taking back their country from those who have systematically stolen it.  Exactly how pervasive and profound is the ponerization of ALL governmental, corporate and NGO institutions across America? See: The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America

    ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

    Which means that there’s really only one way out of this apocalyptic Khazarian clusterf*ck.  The US citizenry must face down the barbarians inside the gate.  For only when the “Barbarian Khazarians” are correctly identified and eradicated from all positions of power and influence throughout these once United States will the swift and deliberate destruction of this Republic stop.

    However, it’s the very subtle and stealthy infiltration of all American governments and corporations, research institutions and civic organizations, universities and colleges, etc. by the Khazarian Cabal which must be radically reversed.  For all of institutional America has been cunningly used to advance the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism which seeks to make everyone a stakeholder in globalism, wokeism, liberalism, progressivism, climatism, etc.

    The following exposé further expounds why this cultural dynamic, alone, spells the end of the Founding Father’s dream of  “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.  For when the fabric of American society has been irreparably torn by the Khazarian-directed cultural marxists, as we see happening today, the fate of this once great nation has been sealed.

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