Series Of Mysterious Deaths Show Pattern Of People ‘Eliminated’ Who Knew Too Much As America Is Blown To Pieces And The Untold Story Of America’s Most Notorious Serial Killers


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    – And More Proof ‘The Vax’ Was A Mass Murder Event From The Get-Go

    While the twin engine plane that crashed this past Wednesday, killing all 5 people aboard, might not have attracted worldwide attention in a ‘normal scenario,’ this plane crash was not so ‘normal,’ with all 5 of the dead being employees of an environmental company, and on their way to investigate a deadly metal factory explosion (that we’d told you about in this ANP story!) in, of all places, the state of Ohio.

    With the plane crash happening within only a mile of the airport it was taking off from, take note as we continue that the airport was in Little Rock, Arkansas, and an airport that was quite appropriately named the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, all things considered.

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    And with those employees and The Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health specializing in environmental data collection and incident management – especially in terms of industrial hygiene and toxicology, you’ve got to check out all of the top-voted comments on the story to see the truth that is being hidden, the story behind the story that the story will NEVER tell you!

    Because with that plane crash that killed 5 people on their way to investigate yet another incident of what appears to be ‘grey terror‘ here in America just 5 of several ‘mysterious/untimely deaths‘ happening over just the past few days as we’ll explore in the next section of this story below, what are the chances that ALL of these deaths, as well as all of this ‘grey terror‘ happening in America’s heartland, such as the 100+ explosions/fires at food processing plants across America, could be related? Let’s take a look at some of the top-voted comments from the Daily Mail story before we continue.:

    tooliberaloregon: “Crazy that there is an airport named after these imbeciles.”

    korean-american says: “The Clintons attract mysterious deaths.” 

    Right to bare Southern Pride: “I mean I’m no conspiracy theorist. But there’s something going on here ….mmm”

    Rutledge: “Arkancide?”

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