mRNA Circulates at Least 28 Days After Injection


    by Dr. Peter McCullough, Global Research:

    Because Operation Warp Speed rushed new mRNA technology forward in two month clinical trials without informative preclinical testing, we are now learning about what was injected into billions of human beings during the mass, indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccine program. A report from Castruita et al, using a cohort of recovered hepatitis C patients with blood samples available, found mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna circulating in blood for 30 days which is as long as they had after injection. This is bad news from a vaccine safety perspective.

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    Castruita JAS, Schneider UV, Mollerup S, Leineweber TD, Weis N, Bukh J, Pedersen MS, Westh H. SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA vaccine sequences circulate in blood up to 28 days after COVID-19 vaccination. APMIS. 2023 Mar;131(3):128-132. doi: 10.1111/apm.13294. Epub 2023 Jan 29. PMID: 36647776.

    Vaccines which are usually live attenuated or killed virus, or a harmless protein, should be in the body only a few days as immunity is being generated. After that, the vaccine material is cleared by the reticuloendothelial system. Having foreign genetic code in the form of synthetic RNA loaded on lipid nanoparticles with PEG in the blood stream for a month is an eerie reality with the following implications:

    1) all serious health events occurring within 30 days of the shot should be considered related to the vaccine unless proven otherwise,

    2) the mRNA has a prolonged opportunity to circulate to vital organs including the heart, brain, bone marrow, adrenals, and reproductive organs where it can cause more damage,

    3) the human body must not have robust mechanisms to clear Pfizer or Moderna, so by the time the second shot is given, some still have the first shot in their system explaining greater toxicity on the second shot,

    4) theoretical concerns over shedding should be extended far beyond 30 days (I currently recommend no kissing, sexual, or close contact for vaccinated persons for at least 90 days),

    5) development on new mRNA vaccines (influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, zika, etc.) should be halted immediately given this discovery.

    I wonder if the mRNA vaccine developers are aware of the findings by Castruita or if they even care? Toxicity profiles of drug products is clearly related to their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. This fundamental component of drug development is now completely ignored as drug safety is no longer a concern of the biopharmaceutical complex.

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