How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth.


    from State Of The Nation:

    My Theory of Everything as it relates to Genesis and contemporary Zionists and Jews – Part 2

    Part Two: Genetic Manipulation and Hybridization

    A huge part of the Grand Experiment is genetic manipulation. God-Source condoned genetic manipulation and hybridization, which has been ongoing for many years, and the U.S. military knows this, because they took part in it.

    It has been proposed, and fairly accepted by contemporary metaphysicians, paranormal researchers, as well as many of the Truthers and Patriots (who inevitably discover the secret space program and the UFO “Truth Embargo”), that Hu-mans are alien hybrids to begin with – a combination of other races such as the Lyrans and Pleiadeans.

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    The rejected reptilians were left out, which led them to fight for their claim to the Earth. God heard them, and as part of His amends, God allows the genetic hybridization to continue, this time including Anunnaki reptilians. Reptilian DNA is necessary for the GE, because DNA codes for both body and soul. The genetic experiments and hybridizations are condoned by God, just as the hybrid hu-mans were condoned by God. It is said that these hu-mans came from 12 races, and the Anunnaki reptilians are the 13th race. That’s one explanation (see video on Reptilians), and some say the secret of the elites who are descended from the Anunnaki is that THEY are the “unlucky” 13, because they are to be feared.

    Satan is embodied in the Anunnaki reptilians, on Earth and in this Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy. In other galaxies the Beast may very well take a different form; suffice it to say they just happen to be reptilians here. So here on Earth, we have the Grand Experiment, to make amends to the Beast, which Satan created after being banished by God. Well, Satan and his Orion reptilians have been trying to have some “inappropriate” control over this continued, condoned genetic hybridization of hu-mans. As they are let back in, they still fear judgment and destruction by God’s wrath. They still do not trust God. Ba’al is still pissed off, he’s not ready to go away just yet.

    DNA is the blueprint for not just the body, but also the soul.

    Your “non-coding” DNA, presumptuously dubbed “junk DNA” by some Zionist-controlled “scientists,” actually codes your entire Soul, your entire spiritual history through all of your past lives. Another key, is that the soul is revealed in one’s face. DNA codes one’s facial features, where the non-coding and coding DNA interact to reveal the soul – more on that later.

    The Anunnaki reptilians, especially Great White Dracos, are the entities at the tip-top of the (closed-off) capstone of the pyramid. They need people whose spiritual DNA includes reptilian past lives, as this makes them favorable for hosting the Satanic spirit, but – reptilian souls are not necessarily evil; they have been trapped.

    You know, that familiar pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the floating capstone (floating= hyperdimensional manifesting abilities – the super powers of the fallen angels; closed off = extreme secrecy). That capstone is inhabited by Draco-Reps and the humans they possess. They need people with certain DNA profiles, in order to keep the Grand Experiment hijacked. They need people whose spiritual DNA includes reptilian past lives, so they can continue to host reptilian spirits. The reptilian spirit hosted is not necessarily evil or Satanic; it is preferred just because it has lived as reptilian before – and that means memories. All the various reptilian races lived in and learned Draconian cultures, where left-brains memorized everything, where right-brains were stunted, where sadism was honored, and where hierarchy was unbreachable. These life histories make them favorable for hosting the Satanic – which is, in essence, a perversion of the descending masculine agenda into a destructive force, whose antidote is the feminine ascending agenda. This is why the elites and secret societies follow bloodlines so carefully. They do so with knowledge and methods gained through their connections to non-humans, whether they be subterranean or extraterrestrial (since both have been here and interacting with select humans for a long time now – that’s just the truth, like it or not). What they are after is being in control of what kind of spirit, how much of the Satanic spirit, a person is inclined to host.

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