Government Reports & Pfizer Documents prove COVID Vaccination is causing Depopulation & we now have evidence it was the plan all along


    by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

    If we told you 20 million people had died across just the ‘FIve Eyes’ & 26 countries across Europe over the past two years resulting in the most excess deaths seen in half a decade wouldn’t you at least be a little bit curious to find out why?

    You might be quick to blame Covid-19, but we can assure you this is not the case.

    What if we then told you more excess deaths were actually recorded across the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in 2021 & 2022 following several mass rollouts of the Covid-19 injections than were recorded at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020?

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    Would that not pique your interest to find out why?

    Because we’re not just talking about a slight increase. We’re talking about increases of thousands of per cent in excess deaths.

    For instance. official Government reports prove that Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

    While New Zealand suffered a shocking 3,404% increase in excess deaths in 49 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

    Are you still not interested?

    Well, what if we told you there now exists a mountain of evidence to prove that Covid-19 injections are to blame for this huge increase in deaths?

    Surely now you’d want to know why?

    What if we then revealed that sadly, that mountain of evidence also contains documents that prove Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation?

    This is of course an extremely bold claim to make.

    ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder.

    But it’s the truth.

    And surely you are now more than curious to find out why?

    To summarise, the answer is simple…

    From a young age, you have been conditioned to trust and obey authority without question. You have been trained to believe they would never lie to you.

    The elite and corporations know that the majority of the public are too trusting of the government and mainstream media, and as a result, to solve the incoming problem of hundreds of millions, if not billions of people becoming “useless eaters” and a liability and burden due to AI and robotics taking their jobs, they came up with a plan to depopulate the planet.

    And that plan involved the invention or exaggeration of a pandemic and the roll-out of a deadly vaccine.

    And we can prove it…

    Pfizer lied, 20 million and counting died


    Secret reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that approximately 20 million deaths have been recorded resulting in 2 million excess deaths since Pfizer lied enabling the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

    Sadly, further reports quietly published by the UK Government also confirm that mortality rates are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group.

    This, therefore, proves that Pfizer’s lies have caused millions to die and the Covd-19 injections are by far the largest contributing factor to the millions of excess deaths seen across the ‘Five Eyes’ and most of Europe



    Official figures provided to EuroMOMO by the UK Government and 26 other Governments of counties across Europe reveal that most of the continent suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021 and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022.

    This equates to 779,853 excess deaths over the two years. The figures do not include Ukraine so cannot be blamed on the ongoing war.


    Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.

    This means Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

    New Zealand

    New Zealand suffered 2,169 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 5,286 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. These are shocking figures for the small island with an estimated population of 5 million people.

    Especially when compared to 2020, when no excess deaths were suffered and 160 fewer deaths were actually recorded than expected at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.

    This means New Zealand suffered a shocking 3,404% increase in excess deaths in 49 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.


    In Canada, the situation is similarly concerning.

    The country suffered 35,318 excess deaths in 2021 and then 25,333 excess deaths by week 34 of 2022. This compares to 31,042 excess deaths in 2020 by week 53.

    However, when looking at the figures up to week 34 in both 2020 and 2021, it becomes clear that 2022 has in fact been the worst year for excess deaths by far.

    By week 34 of 2020, Canada had recorded 17,888 excess deaths. By week 34 of 2021, Canada had recorded 18,498 excess deaths. But by week 34 of 2022, Canada had recorded 25,333 excess deaths, representing a 42% increase on the excess deaths recorded in 2020, prior to the roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

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