“Fundamentals and technical analysis are two sides of the same coin”


    by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

    Interview with Laurent Halmos

    For most die-hard physical gold investors and students of history like myself and most of my readers and clients, technical analysis is often seen as a bit of a taboo, or at best something irrelevant to our worldview and investment approach. Nevertheless, to paraphrase the old saying about politics, just because you are not interested in the charts doesn’t mean that the charts are not interested in you.

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    I met Laurent Halmos in the summer of 2020 when he fled to Switzerland with his family in search of more freedom. He was shocked that he had previously been imprisoned for months in Panama with his family and that they were only allowed to leave their apartment for 3 hours a week. Today, he lives with his family in the south of Switzerland and feels safest there for the things to come.

    In our conversations with each other, it became clear that we share the same values and our view of the world and like me, he is also convinced that we are on our way to another “reset”. Laurent is first and foremost an investor and loves to play the markets, a very different approach to investing from mine, but successful nevertheless. His extensive experience and passion for markets, cycles and trends have made him one of the best analysts in Japan, where he lived for over 10 years. He went on to start his own business and now lives a free and self-determined life by studying financial markets on a daily basis.

    Like I mentioned, Laurent’s trading style and philosophy is arguably the exact opposite of mine and of most of my clients’ and readers. This is another reason why I consider myself fortunate to know him: I have already learned a lot from him and there’s still so much left to learn. After all, the happiest and most successful people are those who do what their talent and passion enable them to do better than others and those eager to listen to them, even if their views don’t completely align, are also bound to share in that happiness and success.

    When we met in 2020, Laurent said that based on his analysis, it was still too early for precious metals, as he had not yet seen the signals for a new long-term bull market. He shared with me that the basis of his successful career was his self-discipline, as he was aware of that his ideas and theories could sometimes be erroneous or ill-timed and so they must always be confirmed by real market data and by his own analytical system before he makes an investment. That being said, I was happy to hear end of 2021 that Laurent personally turned bullish on Gold and purchased for the first time physical precious metals as an insurance against the stupidity of central banks.

    Understandably, I was more than pleased when he contacted me a year later in October 2022 and told me that the time has come to increase his physical precious metals position again as insurance against the “reset”. According to his view, we are at the beginning of a long-term bull market, especially for gold and silver, as well as for commodities. The signals he had been waiting for have now all arrived, or as he puts it in the following interview, “the stars are all aligned”.

    Read More @ ClaudioGrass.ch