Covering Up Evidence of ‘Safe & Effective’ Vaccine Injuries


    by April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR, America Outloud:

    A California Emergency Room Nurse experienced a Coronary Artery Dissection, which led to a heart attack following the mandatory administration of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine in 2021.

    During this episode of our two-part series, “Elizabeth” recounts her experiences while trying to qualify for Workman’s compensation. The level of corruption that exists within our healthcare system in collaboration with the insurance companies and government agencies is exposed, demanding justice & accountability.

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    The State of California is requiring “Elizabeth” to defend her claim that covid vaccines can cause myocardial injury in women. Our ask in this episode is for listeners to help us fight this battle by sharing links to research studies, & preprint articles that would support her case. Please send any citations to:

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