Could Fauci’s Replacement Be Even Worse?


    by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

    • Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped down from his position as director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in December 2022
    • Dr. Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, is a likely replacement
    • Hotez’s career has been largely devoted to developing drugs to test on “underdeveloped and hyper-exploited countries in Latin America, South Asia and Africa,” while much of Hotez’s success can be traced back to Fauci, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton

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    • Hotez was instrumental in propelling “neglected tropical diseases” into a key initiative that needed to be addressed with drugs and vaccines, instead of addressing sanitation
    • Hotez has suggested “anti-science” agendas be punished as hate crimes and the U.S. government should censor “anti-science terrorist groups” such as vaccine safety advocates

    Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped down from his position as director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in December 2022. While he was quick to state that he is not retiring and still plans to “pursue the next phase” of his career,1 someone will be stepping in to take his place as lead propagandist for Big Pharma and the global Deep State.

    That someone is likely to be Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, a replacement that could end up being even worse than Fauci.

    “The proper replacement would be a candidate who is an advocate for data transparency and free speech. You know — truth. There is almost no chance we’ll get that. I am almost certain we’ll get the opposite,” notes Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.2

    Hotez Is Deeply Embedded With Big Pharma

    Hotez is portrayed in the media as a heroic figure out to save the world by developing “life-saving” vaccines — one who’s being targeted by a “powerful anti-vax lobby.”3 He was even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. But the real Peter Hotez is a person who pushes for mass vaccination using experimental drugs and vilifies anyone who advocates for vaccine choice and informed consent.

    Journalist Dan Cohen investigated Hotez, doing a “deep dive into his background” that was published by Redacted. He described his findings as shocking:4

    “As this investigation will reveal, Peter Hotez has spent decades cozying up to powerful interests in the pharmaceutical industry, billionaire foundations and the U.S. government. He has treated the world as a laboratory exploiting every opportunity to undermine regulation and test new drugs on unsuspecting populations, precisely the opposite of the image of public health servant that he projects.

    In 1989, Hotez’s first postdoctoral award was from Pfizer, along with $100,000. This allowed him to continue experiments for human hookworm vaccine that he had begun years earlier, a project that to this day has not succeeded.”

    His career has been largely devoted to developing drugs to test on “underdeveloped and hyper-exploited countries in Latin America, South Asia and Africa,” while much of Hotez’s success can be traced back to Fauci, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, Cohen explains.

    “In 1996, Fauci approved a $2.9 million NIAID grant for Hotez to study tropical diseases, carrying on a program that began in The Rockefeller Foundation — notorious for its funding, a century earlier, of the eugenics movements in the United States and Nazi Germany.

    Hotez would later coin these maladies ‘neglected tropical diseases.’ He would sometimes describe them as antipoverty vaccines, but most of these diseases exist because of poverty.”5

    Hotez Spawned Neglected Tropical Disease Industrial Complex

    Hotez was instrumental in propelling “neglected tropical diseases” into a key initiative that needed to be addressed with more vaccines. In 2000, with $18 million from the Gates Foundation, Hotez founded a department at George Washington University and is now president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, where he started the Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative to continue the development of his hookworm shot.6

    In 2006, at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the Sabin Institute launched a global network for neglected tropical diseases. “Clinton decided that these neglected tropical diseases needed attention. So, actually, CGI has been incredibly important in the development of this organization to give it the attention it needs and as a result of CGI, we’ve been able to now attract some large-scale donors,” Hotez said at the time.7

    From 2006 to 2021, the USAID spent $1.1 billion on neglected tropical diseases, and Big Pharma gave $28.6 billion worth of drugs to administer. But for Hotez, “these diseases and conditions are mere pretext to develop and deliver drugs.”8 As Dr. Richard Urso explained, the key to resolving these diseases isn’t vaccines and drugs but help with basic sanitation:9

    “If you really worry about neglected tropical diseases, then you’re really worried about sanitation, because sanitation is the primary reason why we’ve had an increase in lifespan over the last 150 years. It’s the No. 1 reason. It’s 90% of the answer. So, antibiotics and all these other things … vaccines … have had no role … compared to sanitation.”

    Hotez Tests Experimental Shots on African People

    After being named a U.S. Science Envoy and spearheading “vaccine diplomacy” in the Middle East and North Africa, Hotez bragged in 2014, “Vaccine science diplomacy could also lead to the development and testing of some highly innovative neglected disease vaccines.”10

    The Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa that same year provided this opportunity, according to Cohen. Troops were sent to Liberia, which Hotez described as “a mechanism to bring in new interventions, new drugs, new vaccines that you couldn’t bring in otherwise, in a very chaotic situation.”11

    Fauci then announced a “very much expanded clinical trial in West Africa, likely in Liberia,” and the U.S. gave $6 billion in funding toward these efforts.12 G. Kevin Donovan, a bioethicist with Georgetown University Medical Center, spoke out against the trials, stating:13

    “These drugs have never been tested in humans. Therefore, the dangerous and adverse effects can neither be known nor safely predicted. It’s entirely possible they may be ineffective, or even harmful. What has been done here is not research, but rather it is scary experimental treatment.

    Some of these misadventures occurred on the African continent, leading to a pervasive distrust of Western drug companies using Africans as their experimental guinea pigs. The stark reality is that pharmaceutical companies are a business and the business has to have a market.”

    After the Ebola crisis passed without a vaccine being developed, Hotez pivoted, rebranding his shots as “malnutrition vaccines” and writing in September 2022, “There are at least 20 promising malnutrition vaccine candidates” … that “could be accelerated to help avert an imminent food catastrophe or even potential mass starvation events.”14

    ‘A True Sociopath’

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Hotez has “become an evangelist for the emergent biomedical security regime, attacking anyone who deviates from its diktats,” part 2 of Cohen’s investigation explains.15

    The World Health Organization even posted a video16 on Twitter featuring Hotez, in which he refers to vaccine safety advocates as “anti-science aggressors” — a term he coined in a 2021 article17 — and claims “anti-vaccine activism” has become “a major killing force globally.”18 According to Hotez, 200,000 Americans lost their lives to COVID-19 because they refused the experimental COVID jab.

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