
    by Doug Billings, Billings Report:

    #ArrestKatieHobbs is now trending on Twitter after accusations that the Sinaloa Cartel has been laundering money using phony mortgage transactions and real estate deals in order to bribe Democrats in order to control the state.

    The Arizona Senate and House Elections Committees held a joint special meeting on Thursday and heard an explosive presentation by forensic investigator Jacqueline Breger. If her story is true, it could cause a shake-up across the entire country.

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    Breger claims to be a longtime Arizona resident and a forensic investigator. She works for the Harris-Thaler Law Corporation investigating multi-state racketeering and corruption.

    She stated that she holds a master’s degree in marketing and honors degrees in Finance, Financial Accounting, Business, statistics, economics, and business strategy.

    John Thaler joined Brannon Howse with former Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem on Lindell TV to discuss how the Sinaloa Cartel uses real estate deals to launder money that they then use to bribe elected Democrats in order to control the state of Arizona.

    If that is true, it is obvious that they expect favors from the powers that be and they get them otherwise they would have quit laundering the money.

    At this time, none of the charges have been substantiated.

    From The Gateway Pundit

    People mentioned in this alleged fraud scheme include Katie Hobbs, Adrian Fontes, Mesa Mayor John Giles, Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma, and Runbeck COO Jeff Ellington. Thaler also states that at least three Maricopa County Supervisors “have problems” relating to trafficking, money laundering, and racketeering.

    However, Katie Hobbs has not refuted or denied these claims. She has remained completely silent regarding these explosive accusations on social media.

    Following the allegations, Katie Hobbs began trending on Twitter. Arizona Sun Times reporter Rachel Alexander tweeted a photo Saturday night with #ArrestKatieHobbs trending at number 12 on the platform and credited @DecentFiJC for starting the trend.

    From The Gateway Pundit

    Thaler: In 2009, the state of Arizona privately ran an audit on their agencies, because they believed that monies were being laundered out of California at that time. Were flowing into state agencies. I can’t comment on that investigation because I was not directly involved in it. However, as part of that investigation, in 2014, the state of Arizona looked at money laundering coming in from California that was going into single-family residences. Whether somebody watches, you know, TV or watches movies, one of the staple money laundering methods has to do with buying and selling real estate. Single Family residents are usually the best. So, we were tasked in 2011 with looking at monies being taken from California from illegal activities in California and moving into the state of Arizona, using the monies for the purchases of single-family residences in some of the outskirt towns, San Tan Valley, Avondale, Goodyear, places like that, Litchfield Park. And we concluded that a lot of monies were flowing into new construction projects that were going on in Arizona. That was kind of the beginning of the construction boom in Arizona. So that’s what we concluded. In 2014, My office was asked to look further at this issue. And at this time, it wasn’t so much monies coming from California, but it was monies coming from the Midwest. So we were asked to look at Midwest cash, mostly coming from Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa to determine whether or not monies going into properties in those states being used for money laundering, were also then flowing into Arizona. Just so your audience knows the monies going into those three states was already known to the US Attorney’s Office from about 2005 to about 2010. The US Attorney’s office actually got indictments, charged individuals, and convicted a number of individuals of money laundering. That included not just the drug dealers and drug suppliers who were doing it, but also, that was real estate agents and brokers. That was, you know, escrow companies and title insurance companies. So we were asked to see whether or not that was flowing into Arizona. And the conclusion by late 2014 was that yes, it was. We did not believe it was widespread at the time, but it was flowing into Arizona. It was especially flowing in again into areas where new properties were being built, so where less expensive housing existed. And from that, we sent in our conclusions, and that, to my knowledge, was kind of going to be the end of it. That was the end of the investigation, we sealed the boxes, and we were done. In 2018, somewhat by accident, now with everything, and before this, just understand, before 2015, documents such as recorder records in most states, including in Arizona and Maricopa County, were not available online. So for us to do research, we had to actually go down to Recorders’ offices, or go down to the Corporation Commission offices and actually request specific documents, then request more documents, and so on and so forth. By 2015, everything was online. So,in 2018 when we were looking for something totally different than this, we actually found additional documents that related to the 2014 investigation. And those documents in 2018 kind of were the beginning of the process of where we’ve gotten to today. So the process of where we are today is that over the last three years, since 2019, my office has been working on investigations involving racketeering activities in Arizona, a lot of which comes from monies funneled from other states, but it also comes from monies that come directly into Arizona through drug transactions.

    This will be one trial, we will all be interested in seeing. I’ll bring the Michelob, you bring the pizza……no anchovies this time.

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