Are They Telling Us What Is Coming Next?


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Why are global authorities suddenly so concerned that the bird flu might start spreading widely among humans?  And why is the mainstream media suddenly filled with extremely alarming stories about the disease?  Just a few days ago, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, made headlines all over the globe when he ominously warned that “we must prepare” for the possibility of a bird flu pandemic among humans.  Why is he issuing such a warning now?  Does he know something that the rest of us do not?  If such a pandemic were to erupt, the consequences could potentially be catastrophic.  The COVID pandemic paralyzed the planet for a couple of years even though the death rate was very low.  Well, the death rate for bird flu in humans can be around 50 percent depending on the strain, and so just imagine the panic that would ensue if it were to start spreading widely.

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    Since early last year, the bird flu has resulted in the deaths of more than 58 million birds here in the United States, but as long as the disease stayed in birds scientists weren’t going to be too alarmed.

    Unfortunately, H5N1 has now started to spread among mammals.

    Lots of them.

    In fact, dozens of mammals have already caught the disease in the United States alone

    The H5N1 virus has been detected in more than 120 wild mammals in the US in 2022 and 2023 including red foxes, skunks, and even grizzly bears — a troubling step in the road toward human infection.

    And more cases in mammals in the U.S. continue to pop up.  In fact, on Friday it was being reported that a black bear and a mountain lion in Colorado both tested positive

    Colorado’s worst-ever avian flu outbreak has crossed over into more mammals, including a black bear put down in Huerfano County and a mountain lion found dead in Gunnison County, state wildlife officials said Thursday.

    Of course H5N1 is not just spreading among mammals here in the United States.

    Over in the UK, “nine otters and foxes” have tested positive…

    In the UK, the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) has tested 66 mammals, including seals, and found nine otters and foxes were positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1.

    Over in Scotland, four dead seals were found to have H5N1, and across the Atlantic in Peru a whopping 500 sea lions “were found dead with H5N1”

    If you have been alarmed by what I have shared with you so far, this next item should really get to you.

    In Spain, over 50,000 minks had to be wiped out because H5N1 was rapidly spreading among them

    More than 50,000 minks were euthanized at a Spanish farm because of an avian influenza outbreak. Some researchers are concerned about the possible spread to humans.

    So why are those minks so important?

    Well, it turns out that minks have “a respiratory system very similar to humans”

    But when the virus was analyzed, it was revealed that the mink were infected with a new variant of avian flu, including genetic mutations that are known to make it easier to spread in mammals. This is “uncharted territory,” Wendy Puryear, a virologist at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, told Nature News. It presents a severe problem because mink have a respiratory system very similar to humans.

    It appears that we are dangerously close to a strain of H5N1 that will be able to spread quite easily among humans.

    And if such a strain does get loose, the death toll could potentially be catastrophic

    It can be very deadly, with a mortality rate as high as 50% in the cases where bird flu has jumped directly from birds to farmers and other handlers, Schaffner said.

    Every time the virus replicates, it can mutate into a version the human immune system has never seen before. “That makes it harder for our immune systems to fight the infection,” Arias said. “When they get to humans, the adaptations tend to be accompanied by high virulence, which means infections are severe with high mortality.”

    If you thought that the restrictions and the mandates under COVID were bad, just imagine what a global H5N1 pandemic would look like.

    People would be dropping like flies and we would see tyranny on a scale that most of us don’t even want to imagine right now.

    According to WebMD, a new H5N1 vaccine will soon be tested on poultry here in the United States

    The Biden administration will test a vaccine that could be given to poultry to counter the current bird flu outbreak that has killed about 58 million birds, mostly in commercial poultry flocks.

    These would be the first vaccine given to poultry to protect against avian influenza in years. Poultry are already vaccinated for diseases like infectious bronchitis, and shots have been licensed for past outbreaks.

    And it is also being reported that an H5N1 vaccine for humans “has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration”

    A vaccine for H5N1 has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for people 18 through 64 years who are at increased risk of exposure, according to an agency spokesperson.

    The country has a small supply of vaccine, a spokesperson from the Health and Human Services told USA TODAY. The vaccine can be used to match against strains with pandemic potential and scale-up as needed, which health experts estimate could take up to six months.

    Hopefully there will not be a bird flu pandemic any time soon.

    But if one does erupt, you need to be prepared for an extended nightmare scenario.

    We have entered a period of time when great pandemics will become a regular occurrence, and mad scientists are cooking up more deadly bugs in secret labs all over the planet every single day.

    This is just one of the reasons why I am strongly encouraging my readers to make preparations ahead of time while they still have an opportunity to do so.

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