American’s Rights To Defend Ourselves Under All-Out Attack By A Radical Left More Interested In Completing The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into Their Collective Ideology Of Crazy


    by D Parker, All News Pipeline:

    – While Continually Spewing Lies And Pushing Authoritarianism

    Have you ever noticed that the anti-freedom far-left always uses the same worn-out playbook whenever they’re getting ready for the next presidential election season?

    The same old smears and fact-free accusations that they parrot over and over in the hopes that repeating their big lie will make it the truth?

    Each time around, the top contenders for the side of the political spectrum imbued with the values of liberty, limited government, and the civil rights affirmed in the Bill of Rights are ridiculously smeared as recent reincarnations of Adolf Hitler. Naturally, no one on the pro-freedom right is supposed to respond to these outrageous lies.

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    Double standard Democrats always fall back on playing the old Godwin rule game, thou shall not ever invoke the memory of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party if you’re on the right. But they give themselves free rein to hurl their lies of the subject at the drop of a swastika.

    That puts them in the perfect position to constantly repeat their big lies, while we of the right are not allowed to defend ourselves. Because that’s the only way those lies can survive, scrutiny and comparisons between various socialist nations show they are all on the far-left, despite some of their even more outrageous lies.

    Our most recent example hails from the former ‘newspaper of record’ that seems strangely written as though it’s a setup for something else. Much like a volleyball player will set up the ball to be forcefully spiked downward at the other team by another player. Consider the first few lines of the piece entitled: What Liberals Can Learn From Ron DeSantis

    Is there anything liberals can do about Ron DeSantis other than quietly seethe, loudly condemn him every time he makes headlines and hope that his political flaws — his distaste for glad-handing, his less-than-inspiring public-speaking style, his conspicuous unlikability — will take him down before he gets anywhere close to the presidency? It would be tempting to write off DeSantis, the bombastic Republican governor of Florida, as another unelectable right-wing lunatic unfit for national office. 

    We’ve made that mistake before. 

    Note that the author praises herself and her fellow authoritarians as ‘liberals’ in the title and sprinkled within the piece, falsely projecting ‘lunacy’ on the right wing.

    Now, consider another piece from a national socialist media source that’s even further gone than the New York Times entitled: When the woke mob came for Hitler.

    Is there anything German liberals and leftists can do about Adolph Hitler, other than quietly seethe, loudly condemn him every time he makes headlines, and hope that his political flaws — his distaste for glad-handing, his less-than-inspiring public-speaking style, his conspicuous unlikability — will take him down before he gets anywhere close to conquering Europe? It would be tempting to write off Hitler, the bombastic leader of the German government, as another authoritarian right-wing lunatic, unfit for international leadership. 

    We’ve made that mistake before. 

    Isn’t that clever? Why bother writing a whole column when you can simply copy the text and insert ‘Adolph Hitler’ for ‘Ron DeSantis’ add a few other style changes so it makes some sense and Voila! Ron DeSantis is the next reincarnation of Hitler.

    This is the same site that also had a posting on the loss of advertisers on Twitter entitled: “More Nazis” as a marketing strategy, so they are prone to the usual big lie smears of the far-left.

    Of course, this only happens during presidential election cycles and days that end in ‘y’ so it’s a very rare event indeed. We’ll save you the trouble of reading the rest of those columns, they are similar to the representative samples. As usual, they are bereft of any actual evidence that the person they are targeting fits the profile.

    For starters, they can never quite explain how the Conservative precepts of liberty, limited government, and the civil rights affirmed by the Bill of Rights would be compatible with those of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. But the anti-freedom far-left never let basic historical facts get in the way of a good lie.

    Even worse for the far-left is the fact there is a growing set of similar traits between socialist nations. Traits that aren’t present with the pro-freedom right. Therefore, they have to always bluff through their big lie, with ever-present assistance from their media comrades.

    We can start with the fact that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party strove to indoctrinate children in its collectivist ideology as the nation’s left is doing now. They would also like everyone to forget that they are pushing the authoritarianism of red China as the model. Even as they falsely project that without evidence on the pro-freedom right side of the political spectrum.

    Even basic facts aren’t in their favor. The precepts of individual liberty tend to be favored on the right side of the political spectrum, while collective ‘rights’ (i.e. no individual rights) are the vestige of the left. This means that the Nazi slogan ‘The Common Good Before the Good of the Individual‘ Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz in the original German, inaugurated on May Day no less. Places them way over on the far left with the rest of the sinister set. They also engraved this on their coins, so much for the lie that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party wasn’t socialist.

    Then there are the common traits that they censored the press, as the nation’s far-left is doing now. Along with confiscating guns and using a national police force to go after their political opponents. There is plenty more we could mention, while the far-left has nothing. And yet they continue spewing the same lies and smears, primarily because they can only bluff through their big lie.

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