Will Any of You Leftists Wake Up?


    by James Simpson, American Thinker:

    Leftists lie. They lie relentlessly. They lie constantly. Their lies populate the minds and mouths of pundits and “news” reporters occupying the newsrooms of MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Fox News. Their lies fill the columns of practically every newspaper in America. Their lies are spouted by educators in practically every classroom and form the plots of countless movies, TV shows and documentaries. Our nation is drowning in their lies.

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    Leftists lie. They lie relentlessly. They lie constantly. Their lies populate the minds and mouths of pundits and “news” reporters occupying the newsrooms of MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Fox News. Their lies fill the columns of practically every newspaper in America. Their lies are spouted by educators in practically every classroom and form the plots of countless movies, TV shows and documentaries. Our nation is drowning in their lies.

    Words cannot adequately describe you, leftists. You are dishonest to the core, self-motivated to the core, and possessed of an incomprehensible, towering arrogance that takes one’s breath away. But even some of you must realize your house of cards is falling. The policies being pursued by Democrats at every level of government are visiting wholesale destruction on our economy, our culture and our future. Whether we’re talking about Biden and the Democrats spending trillions of dollars, drawing us into hyperinflation and unsustainable debt, or the freakish efforts of the LGBTQ educrats to proselytize, indoctrinate and impose horrific sex change surgeries on our children that have led to an unprecedented level of child suicide, the devastation is incalculable.

    I suppose the rationale for deifying the LGBTQ agenda is to curb population growth? Have Gay, lesbian and transgender people become the modern heroes of the environment because they are not part of the contemptible “breeders” crowd? Meanwhile, at the same time, you leftists promote open borders to bring millions into this country precisely because our dwindling population doesn’t provide you with the goods and services you want at prices you want. The rationalizations would be hilarious were they not so universally destructive. And your (not so) secret goal is to create another class of captive voters to facilitate even more leftwing power. It is frightening.

    You may actually believe that this is all necessary to “save the planet” or some similar self-aggrandizing nonsense, but even you must recognize your responsibility to your families, your children and your community, to see that they remain at least stable and fed, if not safe and prosperous. How does one square that circle, when every single policy pursued by Democrats is taking apart our economy and our nation brick-by-brick, while thousands die daily as the direct result of Democrat policies?

    If you celebrate the calamity do you think falling on your swords is somehow noble—to die in the cause of “saving the earth”—or do you imagine some fantasy in which you will emerge unscathed by the absolute devastation created by the policies and lunatics you support? I suspect the latter. Leftists are always looking for someone else to sacrifice for the cause, while they continue to enjoy their brie and wine. Some even rationalize that it is about time America took a back seat to some other nation to lead, as if this is somehow noble. Like Obama’s idea to “lead from behind,” this never ends well, although Obama never paid a penny for his calamity of unforced errors. Neither is Joe Biden.

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