What You Need to Know About the Attempted Coup D’etat in Peru


    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

    We all know how political turmoil can get out of control quickly. Misinformation, confusion, and uncertainty are abundant these days. Fueled by enormous and powerful corrupted elites that need to undermine the strength and health of the economies and political influence of the Western part of the world, they seem to be unstoppable.

    That said, I will not go deeper than necessary in the political events, rather than explain the scenario my fellows in Peru are going through, and our experiences in my country.

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    One of them said that the environment and atmosphere he perceives are the same in Venezuela in 2014-2016 when people were battling with the regime on the streets while the world just watched without interfering. Chinese Communist Party provided riot equipment, tanks, ammunition, tear gas, and weapons to massacre Venezuelans.

    The truth of what is happening in Peru is as follows.

    Going against popular will, Castillo is pursuing the guidelines of the infamous “Foro Do Sao Paulo”; an organization working as a Chinese/Russian proxy to allow them to install puppet governments to control South America.

    They modify countries’ Constitutions, tailored by the international communist gang, to their interests, with the correspondent nullification of their sovereignty, in a modern adaptation of the pattern the URSS used with their satellites back in the day.

    Brazil, thanks to its massive size, strong economy, and large population was the choice as the main headquarters of that international gang. The first country (the jewel of the crown because of its strategic position and immense resources looted by the gang while the West just watches) falling down, of course, is Venezuela. The other ones were Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru.

    This is for you to understand the context and the surroundings where one of my friends is right now with his family. Lima is peaceful, but the rest of the country is under widespread turmoil.

    The situation is still going to be tense for a while.

    The Castillo followers built roadblocks on the main roads to protest and bring him back to the chair after he tried to dissolve the Congress, which their Constitution forbids. Of course, the media supporting Castillo have said this is spontaneous; it really obeys a well-elaborated plan.

    My friend was in a very small town near the city of Trujillo, waiting for his clearance to work on a nearby mine. The roads were blocked, and this made it impossible for the company to drive supplies to the mine.

    Then, the order from his office was for everybody except the essential personnel to come back, as all laborers stopped until further notice. He was already in a hostel, as they could not arrive at the camp in the first place.

    What to do when unrest breaks out

    Once he told me this, I told him to proceed as follows ASAP:

    1. Get as much cash as he could from the nearest ATM
    2. Go to a supermarket, buy drinking water, and dry highly caloric foods that do not need cooking, enough for the next three days.
    3. Get a small vinegar bottle and a hand towel to neutralize tear gas. He mentioned having a respirator, which he always carries because of work. I reminded him to shave thoroughly so the mask could seal perfectly.
    4. Put everything inside a backpack, with some sturdy boots or sports shoes to walk or run a lot.
    5. Keep one spare phone charger and your phone in one pocket on your body. If you lose your backpack (like smash-grab stealing in a turmoil, quite common anywhere), needless to say, you´re toasted if the phone was there. This is why sturdy cargo pants with pockets for removable kneepads come in handy. Keep the pads in the backpack until you need them, next to your tactical gloves and elbow protectors. I would not use the rigid kind: just some sleeves to protect against scratches and such if I need to lay on a floor with glass and debris, of course, paired with a long sleeve sweater or shirt.
    6. I suggested he get a pair of safety goggles like those you use with respirators for work. These goggles offer some degree of protection against tear gas.

    These are basic precautions and apply in ANY place you are. Granola bars, my mil-spec plastic canteen, and some other stuff like homemade bread, homemade sugarcane rolls, jerky, plantain fried slices, and fruits, in my backpack, are mandatory items on every trip. A few pills, vials with lactobacillus for stomach disorders, and a basic first aid kit. I do pack my ultra-light water filter wherever I go. It weighs close to nothing, and I can drink tap water after treating it with purifying pills in a mineral water bottle I can get anywhere. Add purifying tablets, though.

    I suggest adding a cane for personal defense: it would not harm.

    These articles provide more information about events in Peru:

    This was not difficult to predict.

    I lived there for three years. I knew what would come if the Foro Do Sao Paulo kept forcing their pieces into South America. We were lucky to come back to our land before things went hairy. Within the lapse of a few months, the bread price (which had been stable since we left) went up, as well as diesel, gasoline, vehicular gas, and many staples. My friends who stayed there told me how I knew that was going to happen.

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