Utah Educators and Union Officials Caught Boasting of Secretly Teaching CRT


    by Catherine Salgado, PJ Media:

    You teach it to a group of seniors at West Jordan High and they don’t tell their parents.”

    Administrators, educators, and union officials in Utah were caught on video boasting about how they managed to keep teaching critical race theory or LGBTQ concepts to students, despite Utah’s bans on CRT in the classroom, according to a Jan. 27 tweet thread from Accuracy in Media.

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    The Utah legislature passed two resolutions in May 2021 to ban CRT from schools, and the Utah Board of Education then approved similar restrictions in June 2021, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Which apparently hasn’t stopped the more zealous pro-CRT Utah educators from trying to brainwash students.

    Several of the individuals were from the Jordan School District in Utah. For instance, Michelle Love-Day, Director of Culture and Diversity at Jordan, explained how her team gets around the rules by only telling parents what wokeness they taught kids after the fact, thus avoiding complaints that could prevent the teaching from taking place. “There was, like, loopholes with it that it just goes back to the LEA [Local Education Agency] for equity and for things. And so, our … whenever our team goes out we don’t do an opt-out prior to,” Love-Day said. “They just go out, meet the kids, work with them. We operate like a math department. And then we give a letter after they go out, saying, ‘We were in your school and this is what they talked about.’”

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