The Vaccinated Discriminate Against The Unvaccinated


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    Those good slaves who obeyed and complied and got all of their four shots have been shown to discriminate against those who think for themselves and so far, remain unvaccinated. Those who don’t just roll up their sleeves to be injected are considered “free riders” and face all sorts of discrimination in most countries according to new surveys.

    Since humans are herd animals, and by nature, conformists, this idea that we don’t have free will may work on some of the more naive ones. More than five billion people globally have now been vaccinated against COVID-19, which means that 3 billion have not. Some don’t have access to the vaccine, and others have chosen to avoid it.

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    A recent study in Nature sought to investigate the extent of the intolerance and discrimination between people who are vaccinated and people who are unvaccinated against COVID. The researchers found that in most countries, people who are vaccinated display negative attitudes toward people who are not vaccinated. But interestingly, there was minimal evidence for the reverse. –The Conversation

    This is likely due to the fact that the official narrative from the masters and the mainstream media is that everyone should get the shots. Dissent and going against the grain when we live in this slave system is intolerable to those in charge.

    Surveys were designed to hey used surveys designed to measure prejudice expressed in three forms: affective (for example, negative emotions towards a group), cognitive (for example, negative stereotypes), and attitudinal (for example, support for exclusion and removal of rights). The results have shown that vaccinated people expressed discriminatory attitudes towards unvaccinated people in all countries except Hungary and Romania.

    Conversely, antipathy from unvaccinated people towards vaccinated people was only observed in Germany and the United States. This could be largely due to the divide and conquer that’s going on heavily in the U.S. A survey conducted only in the U.S. as part of the wider study found people who are vaccinated believe unvaccinated people should be denied certain fundamental rights and have their free speech eliminated and freedom of movement restricted.

    This degree of discrimination was higher in countries where obedience to the rulers is more common, according to a report by The Conversation. 

    The goal of this survey was to see how many of those discriminated against and those “holdouts” the rulers can still convince to get the shots. But now that evidence that these injections are suppressing the immune system, those who didn’t obey are not likely to at this point. The ruling class may have injected as many people as will take the shots and unless there’s another plandemic where people can actually see it causing real harm, people are not likely to be injected again.

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