The Powers Of Evil Overthrew America Long Ago, Our ‘Overlords’ Becoming A Long-Entrenched ‘Global Govt By Secret Society’ Holding An Unquenchable Thirst For Carnage, Genocide And War


    by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

    The night before the JFK assassination, Madeleine Duncan Brown, who was his long term mistress and bore an illegitimate son of Lyndon’s, reported that the plan to murder Jack Kennedy had its origins in the 1960 Democrat Convention where LBJ and H.L. Hunt put that treasonous plan together.  The one thing I would argue is that we already know that the CIA was deeply involved with that as well, including George H. W. Bush, who at that time was a CIA operative working through his Zapata oil company deeply involved in oil platforms in the Gulf and using his connections in the CIA by using those platforms as supply chain connections for the anti-Castro regime for the CIA.

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    Add in the fact that he was also in Daley Plaza on that infamous day in Texas (even though he says he can‘t remember where he was, which is absolutely a lie because everyone remembers that day) standing on the steps in front of the book repository that the shots were supposedly fired from.  JFK learned of the operations to eliminate Castro and ordered them shut down, which they ignored.  This is the same CIA group that included William Harvey who worked with his boss James Angleton who formed the MI5, CIA, Mossad, Vatican alliance.  I bring this up not just to show that Bush was likely directly involved in the assassination along with Mafia assassin Johnny Roselli and the Cuban mafia and Chicago mafia, but to show how evil the CIA has always been.  Fine company the Bush’s keep, eh?

    Kennedy died because he was acting counter to what the CIA wanted and they then had LBJ installed to continue with those plans.  The invasion of Cuba was already past its season but never fear, the invasion of South Vietnam was in the offing.  That was another fiasco that Kennedy refused to accept or act upon and the CIA, Pentagon, war hawks and Military Industrial complex were pissed.  The problem was that Jack Kennedy was not a war hawk.  Madeleine Brown also said “When they met in California Joe Kennedy, John Kennedy’s father, and H.L. Hunt met three days prior to the election – they finally cut a deal according to John Currington (an aide to H.L. Hunt) and H.L. finally agreed that Lyndon would go as the vice president….this came from the horse’s mouth way back in 1960 – when H.L. came back to Dallas I was walking….with him….and he made the remark, ‘we may have lost a battle but we’re going to win a war,’ and then the day of the assassination he said ‘well, we won the war’”.  After the convention Hunt and Johnson mapped out the plan to assassinate Kennedy; “It was a total political crime and H.L. Hunt really controlled what actually happened to John Kennedy – he and Lyndon Johnson,” said Brown.

    Please allow me to quote further from that last article linked; “In the video Brown describes the make-up and activities of the “8F group” which revolved socially and politically around Johnson and Hunt and included high rolling oil tycoons, judges and then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.

    The group included Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who would later shoot the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald dead on November 24.

    “We were playing poker at the Carousel Club and Jack Ruby came over and he said ‘you know what this is?’ and I looked up….he had this motorcade route….it stung me that he would be this involved in knowing where the President of the United States was….at that time in my life I thought they were untouchable,” said Brown.

    Brown described Ruby as the “in man” in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.

    The group met for a party in Dallas hosted by Clint Murchison, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, on November 21st 1963, the night before the assassination. Those present at the event included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, George Brown (of Brown and Root), numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon.

    The party began to wind down at around 11 o’ clock when the attendees were shocked to witness the arrival of Lyndon Johnson who had traveled from Houston. Clint Murchison immediately called a meeting.

    “They all went in to this conference room…..Lyndon didn’t stay that much in the meeting and when he came out….he grabbed me by the arm and he had this deep voice and he said, ‘after tomorrow those S.O.B.’s will never embarrass me again – that’s no threat – that’s a promise.'”

    There is a lot more to all of this, but the idea I wanted to impress is the fact that the CIA is directly in the business of assassinations of even US Presidents.  But why, other than the interference to the CIA/Pentagon’s war plans, did they hate him so much?  Because he pushed peace first and foremost rather than the evil mass deaths that war brings.  On June 10th 1963 at the American University in Washington DC he gave his famous Peace Speech (video included below) that included the suspension of American atmospheric nuclear tests and opening negotiations on a much greater nuclear test ban.  It is in this speech that he said one of his most famous lines, “not merely peace in our time but peace in all time”.   With the nation, and even the world, worried so much at that time about the world’s total destruction from nuke war, as it is today, he also said “Too many of us think … that war is inevitable, that mankind is doomed, that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.” But he insisted that “human destiny” remained in human hands. A durable peace, said JFK, could be constructed “not on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions … World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor. It requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.”

    And to whom would those disputes be sent?  Why, none other than the United Nations.  He had been working for that kind of peace since at least 1949 to make the UN a world republic, which the WEF and other like secret societies are continuing to push.  While a noble thought, the actual implementation would rely on the goodness of man, not the evil that infests the cause of peace as that kind of power relies on the powerful to succeed.  And absolute power equals absolute evil with mortal man because absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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