The Democrat Collapse Is Coming


    by George McClellan, America Outloud:

    President Donald Trump is unquestionably the most effective president the United States has had since Lincoln ended the Civil War. I do not ignore Ronald Reagan’s contribution to greatness because his place in history is assured by being responsible, along with Maggie Thatcher, for ending the Cold War and the Soviet Union. But he didn’t face the unrelenting attempts by his enemies to send him to jail on trumped-up charges of malfeasance or criminality. Trump was, and he’s won every time, winning in the end, the love and affection of conservative Americans.

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    By 2016, America was almost firmly in the grip of the fellow-traveling morons of Marxism, Democrats, and RINOs but, in an unguarded moment of self-satisfaction, they didn’t see the train coming that was Donald Trump and his galvanizing message to Make America Great Again. In an instant, Trump snatched America away from that awful prospect sending the Marxist Left into deranged bouts of fear and loathing that sticks to this very day. They tremble in fear that Trump’s sensible pro-American conservative policies took root and would be resurrected because of the disastrous policies of a non compos mentis Joe Biden.

    Trump now lives in their nightmares like a toxic virus, slowly eating away at their false presumptions, ridiculing their crimes, and ignoring their failures to erase him from the board. The fear that Trump will indeed return like a triumphant Roman General once did through the gates of Rome is driving them nuts. They don’t know how to stop his on-coming train and will try anything, foolish or not, to make it happen. They could get lucky, but they’ll have to cheat again to do it.

    Accordingly, the deranged Left and their RINO cohorts, i.e., the Uni-Party, are losing their cognitive ability to act rationally as they cast about seeking the formula of criminality they can pin on the Orange Man to put him in prison. Hence, he’s forever out of the running. Their last grand scheme, the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Florida residence, was a really desperate chance to make President Trump appear to be a danger to national security.

    It has blown up in their faces when the incompetent born loser, Joe Biden, was found to be a greater danger to national security than Trump ever was. What did the Mar-a-Lago raid accomplish? It proved the FBI is a politicized enforcement arm of the Democrat Socialist Party. Who can trust them anymore?

    Now, they waste their time and energy trying to exculpate senile ol’ Joe, insisting that Trump still remains the greatest danger to American democracy. It’s too late; the damage is done. People are losing their faith in government, and with every stumble the Democrats make in their attempt to end Trump’s career, the growing outrage against their conspiracies against him, the “Wokeism” transgenderism, perversion, and CRT indoctrination being forced upon our little children, will spark a real insurrection against the Left that could end their prospects for a century.

    Think of this; the Left’s “Defund the Police” scheme has weakened civilian police agencies to the point they’re unwilling to be drawn into a 1776-style rebellion protecting our corrupt government, so they’ll stay aloof. Like the BLM and Antifa radicals tearing up American cities without consequence, you (we) might get away with it too.

    Symptoms of Democrat derangement are evident in the growing paper trail of schemes they’ve launched to keep their power and squelch political dissent. Government is like a sieve. No political secret is so sacrosanct it can be kept secret forever, and allowing Elon Musk to purchase Twitter opened Pandora’s Box of their conspiracies.

    “Twitter” email evidence proves unquestionably the FBI’s involvement in silencing the dissenting voices of conservative opinions on public platforms and at public school boards. They include direct orders from US Government agencies, especially the FBI and DoJ, demanding that Twitter, Facebook, et al. censor all dissenting conservative comments.

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