THE COVID HOLOCAUST: Much Worse Than Anyone Knows


    from State Of The Nation:

    Even today very few folks are aware of the well-hidden yet overwhelmingly consequential back story of the long-planned Covid Plandemic.

    In point of fact, both the initial launch of OPERATION COVID-19 (i.e. the biowar that saw the release of the various COVID-19 bioweapons) and the subsequent implementation of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda represent a one-two knockout punch strategy against the predominantly white Christian countries which comprise the First World nations.

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    o some investigators the raw truth conveyed by the foregoing statement may already be quite obvious.  However, what may not be so transparent is that the entire Covid Plandemic is being carried out by the sinister Khazarian perpetrators primarily as a genocidal holocaust.

    In other words, it is with highly purposeful design that the Khazarian Cabal is literally conducting a worldwide holocaust specifically targeting white Christian men and women.  Of course, countless non-whites and non-Christians are being killed and slowly dying by the millions as collateral damage.  In this way, the Khazarian perps can claim plausible deniability as well as advance their global depopulation scheme at the same time.


    First, let’s examine the key word: holocaust.

    There’s only one genocidal tribe on Earth that has been perennially obsessed with a Holocaust and especially with ‘The Holocaust’.  That’s because the same Khazarian Cabal was directly responsible for carrying out what was really a Holohoax during World War II.  Truly, the “Holocaust Industry” was always about one thing: scaring all of European Jewry away from the Continent and over to the stolen lands of Palestine which is now known as the modern State of Israel.

    For the record, not only did 6,000,000 Jews positively not die in those concentration camps which were actually set up as slave labor camps during World War II, it’s quite unlikely that not even 60,000 Jews died.  How so?  Those Jewish inmates, as were all concentration camp inmates, were desperately needed to work for the German war effort.  Most significantly, the Jewish inmates were urgently required to populate Palestine after WW2 in order for the Zionist plotters to justify stealing all Palestinian land.  For whoever has the most occupiers on any given territory gets to steal the lands according to the Khazarian-controlled UN.

    Those Jews who did pass away in the camps died primarily from starvation and malnutrition, typhus and typhoid, dysentery and durchfall, tuberculosis and meningitis, malaria and scabies, etc..  And all of the high-integrity scientific, anecdotal and circumstantial evidence has since proven that there simply was no organized extermination program; it was all faked by the entire cadre of Zionist leaders over the intervening decades.  In other words, the top Khazarian fake Jews locked up and made life miserable for their Jewish brethren, but only to get them into the stewpot called Israel post-haste.

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