The 10 biggest THREATS to your food security in 2023 … HINT: Prepare for a “grocery police state” with guards, rationing and riots


    by Mike Adams, Natural News:

    Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere. This readily observable fact is now so self-evident that no one needs to be convinced of the reality of rising food prices. Yet few people have honestly considered where it leads in terms of global famine, civil unrest, revolutions and more.

    In 2023 and for years to come, we are about to see some of the disturbing signs of food scarcity and panic among populations as well as food retailers:

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    • Armed guards at food retailers, defending against sharp increases in organized retail theft of meat products.
    • Access restrictions (and biometric ID requirements) on who is allowed to enter grocery stores and purchase food items.
    • Food rationing limits, enforced by digital currency controls, that closely monitor your food purchases and cut you off when you’ve reached your government-enforced limit.
    • Food riots across many cities and countries as fear and famine take hold.
    • More food destruction due to sabotage of food facilities and transportation infrastructure.
    • Ramped up geoengineering efforts to destroy crops through man-made droughts, floods and storms.

    The full list is covered in my podcast (see below) which also includes an interview with David DuByne (Adapt 2030), a Brighteon.TV host and global food analyst.

    In America, food will become more expensive and scarce, but the shelves won’t be empty just yet

    In 2023, the United States will experience significant food inflation as well as intermittent scarcity, but shelves won’t go bare on a large scale. Europe, however, will see food scarcity on a far worse scale, and consumers there should expect to see many bare shelves, reduced selection, reduced inventory depth at retailers and frequent purchase limits put in place by retailers.

    For Americans, the grocery shopping experience in 2023 will increasingly resemble a police state with restricted entry, guarded entry and exit points at some stores, increased surveillance and special in-store guards near meat sections of many stores.

    We anticipate increased carjackings of grocery consumers driving home, increased robberies of grocery customers who are walking out of stores, and increased home robberies targeting food supplies rather than jewelry or other valuables. We also anticipate consumers deliberately shopping in packs (multiple people together), realizing there is safety in numbers.

    In many areas across America’s cities, grocery shoppers will arm up in advance of the shopping trip and carry concealed pistols as a means of self-defense. We will see shootings over food in 2023 and beyond.

    In addition, we anticipate more food thefts at the wholesale level, with organized wholesale theft rings targeting meat plants, food distributors and food manufacturers. Think of this as “theft by the pallet,” involving fork lifts and heavy trucks.

    Your experience will largely depend on where you live

    While the “grocery police state” scenario will unfold aggressively in blue cities characterized by widespread theft, violence and de-funding of police, rural grocery chains will likely not see such chaos. The rule of law is stronger in rural counties and states across America, and the rapid expansion of both concealed carry laws and constitutional carry (permit-less carry) means grocery thieves will think twice before robbing rural grocery stores that are likely occupied by well-armed customers.

    Will people shoot each other over food in 2023? We think so, yes. But most of the violence is likely to be limited to high population density cities populated by lawless people (i.e. Leftists / Democrats).

    The violence, however, may be multiplied at any time based on federal food stamp system failures (SNAP program) which could stem from cyber attacks or power grid failures. Such scenarios would likely result in spontaneous food riots followed by wholesale looting of food retailers in affected cities.

    In response to this, we anticipate that many food retailers will shutter operations in blue cities and simply refuse to do business in such lawless environments. Pharmacies like CVS have already followed this pattern and have shuttered stores in high-risk areas (all of which are blue cities run by lawless Democrats).

    This will further exacerbate the “food desert” conundrum of inner cities where food choices are already limited and nutritionally devoid.

    Government deception over food inflation

    When the White House claims that food inflation has “peaked” and may even be falling, they are saying that the rate of food inflation is no longer climbing. But prices continue to climb because the inflation rate still remains in positive territory. Mathematically, they are claiming that the second derivative is settling (the rate of the rate of change), but the first derivative (the rate of change) is still high, so food continues to climb in price even when the rate of inflation increase or decrease is said to be falling.

    Very few people understand this. The masses are so mathematically illiterate that the UK Daily Mail is reporting how people are totally baffled to learn that 550 / 2 is not 225. For some reason, people think 550/2 is 225, when it’s obviously 275. But mathematical illiteracy is so widespread that typical consumers can’t even do basic fifth grade division, much less understand the second derivative of food prices.

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