“Steely-Eyed Missile Men” Demolish the Climate Scare


    by Tom Harris, America Outloud:

    “In God we trust; all others bring data.”

    That is the motto of The Right Climate Stuff, a group of retired and highly experienced engineers and scientists who conducted an objective, independent assessment of the science supposedly backing the climate scare.

    After analyzing the best empirical data available, what was their conclusion?

    There is no climate crisis, and increasing carbon dioxide, and rising temperatures will be highly beneficial to our civilization and the biosphere. Efforts to drastically reduce our use of hydrocarbon fuels — coal, oil, and natural gas — will devastate our economy.

    Cynics would naturally assume that these experts are paid off by the fossil fuel sector and or have vested interests that would lead government and the press to write them off as uninformed “climate change deniers.” But they would be completely wrong.

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    In fact, these engineers and scientists who volunteer their time to analyze the best available data to understand what is really happening to the climate are the very experts who, only a few years ago, were lionized by government and the press as the best technical minds of the modern world. They are the original rocket scientists and astronauts who took us to the Moon in the Apollo project, the greatest technological achievement in history. They are the “Steely-Eyed Missile Men” (and women) who designed and operated Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station. They were the ones making real-time decisions on which the lives of our space heroes and the success or failure of America’s multi-billion-dollar space missions depended.

    Not only that, but The Right Climate Stuff (TRCS) experts are used to resolving high-pressure scientific controversies over complex technical issues. To do this, they developed unique skills and experience in problem identification, specification, root cause analysis, and rational decision-making. In other words, precisely the skill set needed to conduct an independent scientific assessment of the climate scare and the rush to renewable energy. And, more than anyone, they know that, as physicist Richard Feynman said:

    “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is; it doesn’t matter how smart you are,

    “If it doesn’t agree with the experiment, it’s wrong.”

    Of all the people government should ask to analyze the scientific foundation of the worldwide climate scare, it is the retired NASA heroes that comprise the TRCS group. And they demonstrate that the theory of dangerous man-made climate change does not agree with the experiment we are carrying out on our planet. It is, therefore, as Feynman said, wrong.

    Here is their story.

    The Right Climate Stuff started in 2011 as a discussion group of mostly retired NASA Johnson Space Center engineers and scientists who wanted to better understand the basis for the theory of man’s dominant influence on climate. They first met at the home of NASA mechanical engineer Tom Moser, the originator of TRCS. Tom was a subsystem manager for the Apollo Command Module structure and launch escape system. He later became head of structural design in the Structures and Mechanics Division, which was the beginning of the Space Shuttle, and then the Director of Engineering. Tom finally became Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Flight, and later the deputy Associate Administrator and program director for the Space Station. Talk about qualified!

    In recent years, Tom has had exceptional success in speaking at public community meetings, explaining the science of climate change in terms understandable to community leaders, and state and federal legislators. Tom will be a speaker on TRCS’s Panel at the 15th International Conference on Climate Change organized by The Heartland Institute in Orlando from February 23 – 25.

    The three other main founders of the TRCS Research Team in 2012 were also all retirees of Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston:

    • Hal DoironPh.D. (Mechanical Engineering) (1941 – 2020). Dr. Doiron developed the Apollo Lunar Module landing dynamics simulation software. He performed docking dynamics studies for the Skylab Program and led the Space Shuttle team from 1972-1979, which successfully eliminated problems with launch system vibration instability. Among his many other accomplishments, Dr. Doiron led a McDonnell Douglas Space Systems team that determined the on-orbit vibration response of the International Space Station for events such as spacecraft docking, berthing, etc., to define design limit loads and structural strength requirements. He also led a group that performed similar work for the Space Shuttle and the Delta-IV rocket. In retirement, Dr. Doiron continued this work for NASA and commercial rocket developers and even was a member of NASA’s board that reviewed the Mars rover “Curiosity” entry, descent, and landing.
    • Tom Wysmuller (1944 – 2021), trained as a meteorologist at New York University and at the Royal Dutch Weather Bureau in Amsterdam. He then worked for five years throughout NASA before, during, and after the Moon landings. The polynomial regression mathematics, algorithms, or code that Mr. Wysmuller personally produced after leaving NASA are being used by virtually every climate scientist on the planet. He chaired the Oceanographic Section of the 2016 World Congress on Oceans held in Qingdao, China, and was recognized across the world for his work demonstrating the small rise in global sea level expected in the coming decades. See “Cheers! The Oceans Aren’t Rising (That Much),” the January 21, 2021, video interview of Mr. Wysmuller.
    • Jim Peacock, B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), current Chairman of TRCS, served in the U.S. Air Force after graduating from Texas A&M. As a Lieutenant in the USAF ARDC at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque in 1958-1962, Mr. Peacock had singular responsibility for the nuclear weapons aircraft attachment designs, handling and loading procedures, operations and nuclear safety for all nuclear-armed fighter-bombers. During his 21-year career as a design engineer at JSC, his assignments included leadership positions for design responsibility of several systems in the Apollo Command Module. Mr. Peacock’s duties then evolved into mission requirements, flight planning and mission operations, and astronaut training. He was on duty in the Mission Control Center at Houston for all Apollo missions in an engineering support role for all mission phases, including astronaut Extravehicular Activity and scientific research on the Moon. Mr. Peacock was also an assistant Mission Staff Engineer for Apollo 11 and, subsequently, the Mission Staff Engineer for Apollo 13 and Apollo 15, reporting directly to the Apollo Program Manager, acting as the point of contact for the astronauts, mission planners, and hardware and software engineers. After Apollo, he continued to work in leadership positions on manned space flight programs, including Skylab, and the early flight tests of the Space Shuttle.

    As these specialists got involved in researching information about the effect of carbon dioxide on warming the atmosphere, they occasionally befriended like-minded scientists who had not been employees of JSC but wanted to work regularly with TRCS, as regular members, such as Dr. Laurence Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Past Chair of the New England Section of the American Physical Society. Although not a member of TRCS, one of their consultants is Dr. William Happer, now the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University. Also impressive was the fact that Apollo 7 astronaut and Master of Science (Physics) Walter Cunningham and Apollo 17 astronaut Jack Schmitt (Ph.D. in Geology) became involved.

    How can any rational person not take seriously the warnings of these TRCS supermen that the climate scare is a huge mistake that will cripple America for no environmental benefit?

    In part 2 of this essay, I will explain in detail what The Right Climate Stuff scientists discovered about the serious flaws inherent in the United Nations forecasts of climate disasters. Also discussed will be the conclusions of TRCS engineer Gregg Goodnight about the real disaster that is coming for America and the world if we ignore the lessons of the February 2021 Texas Blackout.

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