Russia Readies Its “Poseidon” Doomsday Weapon As The World Stumbles To The Brink Of Nuclear Conflict


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    In a game of “nuclear chicken”, one of the potential outcomes is that everybody loses.  We have reached a point where nuclear annihilation is just one mistake away, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  But as I discussed in a previous article, most people don’t seem to care.  Instead, most people just seem to assume that our leaders have everything under control and that they know exactly what they are doing.  Unfortunately, the truth is that they are completely nuts.  They just decided to escalate the war in Ukraine again, and they are dragging us to the brink of nuclear conflict.  Of course once a nuclear war starts, the option of choosing new leaders will be gone.

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    This week, it is being reported that the Russians have just completed the construction of the “first batch” of Poseidon doomsday weapons…

    A first batch of Poseidon nuclear-capable underwater drones for the Project 09852 special-purpose nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod has been manufactured, a source close to the Russian military and defense industry told TASS on Monday.

    “The first batch of Poseidon ammunition has been manufactured and will be soon delivered to special-purpose nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod,” the source said.

    Up to this point, military experts were concerned about what Poseidon drones could potentially do someday if they were ever built and deployed.

    But now they are on the verge of being operational.

    When most people hear the word “drone”, they think of something very small.  But these Poseidon drones are actually the largest torpedoes that have ever been created in the history of the world by a wide margin.  In fact, we are being told that each one is more than 60 feet long

    According to Russian sources and Western intelligence, it’s enormous. It weighs more than 200,000 pounds, has a diameter of around 6 feet, and a length of more than 60 feet. It’s so big that the Belgorod can only carry six of them. This would make it the largest torpedo ever developed and deployed by any country in the world.

    These giant drones have been designed to carry nuclear warheads, and they can quietly travel underwater for thousands of miles until they reach their destinations.

    If we have a nuclear war with Russia, the Russians will almost certainly use them against us.  The following is a short excerpt from my new book

    The “Poseidon” is actually a submersible drone. It can travel underwater for more than 5,000 miles, and once it arrives at the target it can simply park there until it is given the command to detonate.

    In fact, there could be”Poseidons” parked right off our coastlines right now and we would never know it.

    It has been reported that some Russian officials have said that the Poseidon “can be equipped with a 100 megaton weapon”.

    If such a weapon was detonated underwater, it would create an absolutely massive radioactive tsunami that would go inland for many, many miles.

    Theoretically, the Russians could deploy Poseidons to all of our major coastal cities and detonate them all simultaneously.

    Just take a few moments to think about what that would mean.

    Such a weapon could destroy New York City in the blink of an eye.

    If such a conflict were to occur, it would mean the end of our civilization as we know it today.

    So you would think that leaders on both sides would be looking for a peaceful solution to this crisis while it is still possible.

    But instead, both sides just continue to escalate matters.

    On Wednesday, it was being reported that the United States has decided to send 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, and Germany will be chipping in with 14 Leopard 2 tanks.

    45 tanks will certainly not turn the tide of the war.  In recent days the Russians have advanced on several fronts, and at this point they have captured the entire town of Soledar

    Ukraine confirmed on Wednesday its troops had withdrawn from Soledar in eastern Ukraine, almost two weeks after Russian troops said they had captured the small salt-mining town.

    “In order to preserve the lives of service personnel, the Defence Forces withdrew from Soledar,” military spokesman Serhiy Cherevatyi was quoted as saying by state broadcaster Suspilne.

    Even if the Ukrainians can figure out how to properly use them, 45 new tanks will not stop the Russians from continuing to advance.

    But these new tanks will definitely make the Russians even angrier.

    Originally Germany was not planning on sending any tanks, and now that they have reversed course Vladimir Solovyov is suggesting that military bases inside German territory are “legitimate targets”

    ‘It’s time to send a clear, resolute message that we now consider Germany a direct party to the conflict, rekindling memories of WW2.

    ‘German tanks appearing will definitely mean we consider German territory, military bases and other sites as legitimate targets.

    And Russian television personality Yevgeny Satanovsky has just said that he believes that it is time to flatten the Bundestag…

    He said: “German tanks with crosses on their armour will again march across Ukraine attacking Russian soldiers.

    “I have a natural reaction to this – the Soviet Union bombed Berlin in 1941.

    “And to me this is a signal that the Reichstag, or Bundestag, which now replaces the Reichstag, simply should not remain standing any longer.

    “Flat, slightly radioactive, melted-down ground [will remain in its place].”

    Of course many in the western world are making highly irresponsible statements as well.

    For example, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock made headlines all over the globe when she publicly admitted that “we are fighting a war against Russia”.

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