Police Escape From New York


    from Moonbattery:

    At the head of the stampede of people escaping the dysfunctional hellhole moonbats are making of New York are police officers:

    The NYPD saw 3,701 cops retire or resign in 2022…

    The War on Police that pro-crime liberals waged in the name of their patron saint George Floyd predictably set off the exodus. Who wants to risk his life to protect people who prove they don’t deserve it every election? The Democrats New Yorkers overwhelmingly vote for tie cops’ hands and side with the criminals.

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    The mass migration took place as the NYPD hired 1,982 officers in 2022, leaving the department down some 1,700 cops…

    Now minority residents are less oppressed by systemic racism. They can walk the streets in safety, not fearing random violence. Or at least, that’s how it ought to work according to the ideology espoused by liberal elitists who would not dare set foot in a Bronx housing project without a police escort.

    Bail reform, resentment for the city’s vaccination mandate, the defund-the-police movement, cops feeling disrespected, and the lure of higher pay and lower stress proved to be the final push out the door for many cops.

    The good news is that Florida will have experienced candidates to choose from:

    Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is vocal about his support for police agencies, launched the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus Payment Program, which offers officers from other states up to $5,000 as a sign-on bonus.

    Even with lower pay, Florida police end up with more to spend due to New York’s brutal tax burden. Also, in Florida they are more likely to be treated with respect, and to work for people who have their back.

    The bad news is that the quality of those serving in the NYPD will continue to deteriorate as recruiters get more desperate. Denigration of police will become a self-fulfilling prophecy in liberal cities like New York, where people will end up with the police they have earned.

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