OPERATION KEVIN MCCARTHY: A RINO Trojan horse is wheeled into the U.S. Congress—By Who & Why?


    from State Of The Nation:

    THE GATE…..
    …Or, more accurately, THE KHAZARIANS ARE

    INSIDE THE GATE, as they have been since the
    founding of the American Republic.

    With the illicit passing of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Khazarian Cabal completely took over the U.S. Federal Government morphing it into an international crime syndicate known as the exceedingly corrupt U.S. Corporation. In so doing, the barbarian Khazarians have effectively demolished the American Republic as well as stolen trillions from the U.S. Treasury year after year with the assistance of every Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives (the House controls the nation’s purse strings). This is why they have stealthily planted traitorous RINO Kevin McCarthy into his various House leadership positions setting him up to become Speaker [NOT].

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
    State of the Nation

    There’s a very good bad reason why Rep. Kevin McCarthy was strategically installed by his Khazarian masters into various House leadership positions since 2001.  He has been purposefully groomed via his successive tenures as House Republican Chief Deputy Whip, House Majority Whip, House Majority Leader, Leader of the House Republican Conference and House Minority Leader to take the lead post in 2023 as House Speaker.

    What makes this extremely fast track to the highest office — Speaker of the House — so suspicious is that McCarthy was only voted into the House for the first time in 2007.  A mere two years later he was mysteriously catapulted into the powerful House Republican Chief Deputy Whip slot.  This kind of rapid and clearly unearned promotion ONLY occurs with the vigorous support of the Khazarian Cabal.

    KEY POINTS: Inasmuch as the U.S. House of Representatives controls the purse strings for the US government, the Military-Industrial Complex would never permit anyone to occupy the critical Speaker position except for a hardcore warmonger.  Especially during the current period of fanatical American support for the Ukrainian War, the Khazarians will only allow a Speaker who will open the public purse for many more years of massive military expenditures.  Toward that end, McCarthy is a completely controlled Khazarian pawn exploited either by bribery or blackmail or some other form of coercion.  Certainly, “the sword of Damocles” hangs over McCarthy’s head were he to make any move that is not perfectly aligned with the warmongering dictates of his Khazarian overlords.

    What this really means is that, somehow, the Khazarians have Kevin McCarthy completely controlled to do their bidding most likely with highly compromising pedophilia evidence created by a “Jeffery Epstein”.  Just as Nancy Pelosi was a transparent Khazarian puppet who wrecked and ruined the Republic with every bang of her gavel, McCarthy will be used to very slyly carry out the very same nefarious agenda—the globalist cabal’s New World Order agenda.

    KEY POINT: Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was controlled by the very same Pedogate tactics way as many Speakers have been over the decades. See: Judge sentences former U.S. House Speaker and ‘serial child molester’ Dennis Hastert to 15 months

    Which means that treacherous RINO Kevin McCarthy is a closet globalist who was selected for his ability and willingness to deceive and betray his conservative constituency.  Look it: this guy is from the most zealous sanctuary state on the Left Coast — the communist-run state of Kalifornia — so he is greatly suspect from the get-go.  And why has McCarthy already represented three different US congressional districts during his 9 terms in the House?  What really happened there?!

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