New Year, New Things


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    So it is January 1st, 2023.

    Those reading this made it there.  That’s good, I think.

    With that said here’s some “news” on The Ticker itself and my intentions going forward as to focus.  You can take it for whatever you think its worth, but this, from my perspective, is the right way to look at things in the world.  Of course there is room for plenty of other opinions all over the ‘net and so-called “traditional media” too, so it is what it is.

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    If you remember a big shift occurred during the second Trump impeachment coverage, which I was doing on a daily basis, including most days a podcast.  That of course was *****, which showed up right on the tail end of that.  That chapter has run in America and even the “mainstream media” is reporting that (like it or not, politicians) running stories about, for example, Atlantic City and its prospects forward – – and that they’re now returning to their regularly-scheduled debate (like, for instance, can you smoke in a casino?)

    We’ve got plenty to talk about, such as, for instance, the utter failure of the “green energy shift” in the face of real-world tests.  In a just world people would already be in irons and headed for prison; TVA, for example, was only able to produce 68% of its claimed capacity when all of it was required.  WPLN tries to blame this on “natural gas being the bet” but in fact the reality of it is that TVA has shut down what was plenty of coal capacity and they did it on purpose over the space of years without replacing that with known reliable generation.  In the summer the peak of demand tends to mostly-track with when the sun is up because its hottest and, while the peak shifts a bit off noon its not at 3:00 AM.  In winter it is every time; its coldest when there’s no sun at all and thus the solar generation capacity is always zero at the times of peak demand in winter.  Thus any solar you put in must be counted as zero in the winter months when things get nasty, because it will either be snowing, icing (both of which wildly cut solar cell output) or at 3:00 AM when there’s no solar radiation available at all.  Wind has similar issues; you can fit windmills with heating systems but obviously they require energy and they have both a lower and upper wind limit where they either produce nothing of value or must be intentionally shut down to avoid destruction.  Thus you can’t count them as anything other than zero in the winter because you can’t count something that is less than 100% available, with proper maintenance and such, as “there.”

    We also know that in the face of such nasty weather EVs are worthless too.  They’re nice secondary vehicles, basically, but when you must be able to rely on them they’re just not up to the job.  People are figuring this out and that will continue; in short how you were sold these cars and light trucks was a lie and worse, the people selling them knew all that as they did the engineering on them.  This isn’t really fraud for the simple reason that “puffery” is legitimate promotion; show me the car advertisement over the last 20 years that doesn’t include some allusion to the car getting you laid.  Buffalo and other areas discovered in testing that trying to use battery-powered trash trucks works fine for collecting trash but when you fit snowplows on the front they can’t do the job as the higher energy consumption means they run out of power before they can clear the streets.  Thus they make no sense in places where it actually snows that service is required either.

    There are people who want me to talk about Ray Eepps specifically or, more-generally, Jan 6th since the anniversary is coming up.  Nope.  Why not?  Because I told everyone who reads my column right after the 2020 elections that the person who was most-aggrieved, Trump himself, had only two options: Either nut up and take the personal risk associated with whatever steps he felt were appropriate, which meant he had to personally be at the very front of all of it no matter what “it” was or shut up, accept the results and go onward.  It mattered not whether one could prove this or that; what matters is that the person with the ultimate right to complain either stakes his freedom and/or life on it or he doesn’t either (1) really believe it himself or (2) if he does he doesn’t believe the risk is worth the reward.  That’s all.  If I get cheated out of an election I either believe its worth doing whatever I have to or I don’t.  If I don’t then nobody else should.  None of the rest matters when you get down to it and that the FBI and other “cops” of various sorts have always tried to goad people into doing bad things is not news.  There are lines beyond which they’re not supposed to cross (“entrapment”, basically) and its a legitimate debate as to whether they did but the primary failure in this specific instance doesn’t lie there.  Incidentally if you think this is an “unprecedented” thing I give you Richard Nixon who was similarly cheated, he knew it, and he judged the risks not worth it.  He later ran again and was elected President.

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