Never Before In American History Have So Many Recently Vaxxed Young Americans Died Just Before Dawn And So Many Parents Participated In The Murders Of Their Own Children!


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    One alarming story this morning comes to us from the Daily Mail and reports a 21-year-old offensive lineman from the Air Force football team has passed away after a medical emergency, and while that story doesn’t give us a reason why with an investigation being launched by the Air Force, all of the top-voted comments on the story tell us the most likely reason why.

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    As the top-voted comment by more than a 20 to 1 margin pointed out, Young men dropping like fly’s. Let me guess, myocarditis? With the #2 voted comment by a nearly equally margin pointing out, Unprecedented numbers of very young people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. But I’m sure it has nothing to do with that totally safe experimental vaccine everyone’s been forced to get,” we’re going to be taking a look within this story at the scientific reason why so many young people are not only dying suddenly while during sports competition, but dying suddenly and without warning in their sleep, and quite often, dying just before dawn.

    This past week has brought us numerous heartbreaking stories from across America of young and ‘healthy‘ people dying suddenly and without any warning signs at all and with the next top-voted comment on that story pointed out Let me take a stab at what happened…forced jab. Disgusting. RIP young man,” the next comment hit the nail right on the head: “What. Have. We. Done?”

    Well if you were to ask former Ronald Reagan Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts ‘what they have done’ he’d tell you bluntly, the COVID vax is an intentional effort at world genocide. Reporting that never before in US history have we seen so many deaths following a ‘vax,’ especially deaths of  children, young adults, athletes in their prime and entertainers just dropping dead “cause unknown” following a vax, this new story over at Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter tells us the most likely reason why.

    Titled “‘Dying just before dawn’ due to catecholamine surge signally it is time to wake (rise); same happens in physical exercise as well as waking from sleep & heart damaged by myocarditis due to vaccine or infection is at risk to this dopamine, epinephrine surge (exercising or waking from sleep),” Dr. Alexander reports Dr. Peter McCullough has written about this as a cardiologist and expert and has some very alarming words as a heart expert. From that story we see why so many young Americans are dying just before dawn.:

    In simple: 

    i) when people—especially young people—die in their sleep the underlying cause is often myocarditis. 

    ii)Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart, can lead to irregular heart rhythms that can be lethal without immediate treatment. 

    iii)counterintuitive as it may seem, sudden deaths that happen during sleep are biochemically similar to the sudden deaths during or just after vigorous exercise. 

    iv)because of a surge in catecholamines during the end of the sleep cycle. This natural biochemical change is the body’s signal to wake up. 

    v)Catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine) are hormones that are made by the adrenal glands. They are released into the body in response to physical exertion or emotional stress. But they are also released during sleep, just before waking, as a signal to the body and the brain that it is time to get up. 

    vi)Catecholamines can increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. 

    vii)A surge in dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, even if the surge occurs during sleep or during exercise, can cause stress and duress to the heart and can cause it to beat arrhythmically. 

    viii)We are arguing it is very likely the case that when a child or teen or young person has a heart damaged by infection or the COVID gene therapy injection (as well as via other causes), then the rapid elevation and spike in dopamine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine can be catastrophic. It can be lethal and cause death. McCullough likens this to a phenomenon where people are dying ‘just before dawn’. He argues that this is more probably due to undiagnosed or asymptomatic vaccine-induced myocarditis where there is residual scarring (death) of heart muscle cells etc. These cells do not replenish. 

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