Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots


    by Daniel Horowitz, Conservative Review:

    “During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.” ~Nuremberg Code #10

    We’ve reached a critical mass of data points and safety signals on the COVID shots from a full two years of it circulating in 5.5 billion people. One must be worse than a conspiracy theorist to ignore them. One now has to be a “coincidence theorist” to chalk up this degree of human suffering that is in immediate need of redress to mere coincidence.

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    It’s time for Republicans in state legislatures and on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic to pay attention to the daily barrage of shocking data points and safety signals. Here is just a sampling of 12 points from the past few weeks, out of many more. Each one alone should have been enough to suspend the shots, terminate the technology in the pipeline, and investigate the actors behind it. Time is of the essence:

    1) 17% of children experienced some cardiac symptom after the Pfizer shot: Just how large is the universe of those roped into some risk of cardiac damage? A new peer-reviewed study from Taiwan published in the European Journal of Pediatrics found that 17% of high school children, mainly boys, experienced at least heart palpitations or chest pain from the second dose of Pfizer. These numbers work perfectly with many other surveys showing a significant number of people experiencing arrythmias, tightness in the chest, or shortness of breath. They are also particularly concerning given that a Swiss study and a Thai study showed the proportion of people afflicted with subclinical myocarditis (a ticking time bomb) was much larger than those diagnosed with myocarditis.

    2) 20% spike in excess deaths in England and Wales:According to the latest figures from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics, deaths for the final two weeks of 2022 in England and Wales were 20% above the five-year average. That is greater than the pandemic itself. It makes no sense why there would be more deaths, long after the vaccines supposedly quelled COVID, than in 2020 and early 2021, at the peak of the pandemic. The U.K. Timesreports that “50,000 more people died last year than normal.” That is the equivalent of 250,000 excess deaths in the U.S. This cannot be COVID; it must be something else. (The data for those weeks: Data from week ending Dec 23, 2022data from week ending Dec 30, 2022).

    3) 0 of 1,1779 COVID hospitalizations in New South Wales were unvaccinated:According to NSW Health, which breaks down COVID hospitalizations and deaths by cohorts of various levels of vaccination, for the two weeks ending Dec. 31, 2022, not a single COVID hospitalization (or ICU admission) was among the fully unvaccinated.

    The overwhelming majority were among the boosted. Although 84% of people in Australia have gotten at least one dose of the shot, it’s not 100%, so there is clearly a degree of negative efficacy, which is in itself a safety signal. And although 6% of the deaths were among the unvaccinated (still below their share of the population), it is suspicious how they all seemed to die at home, which makes you wonder if they are placing some of the “unknown” category into the unvaxxed pile by automatically assuming they didn’t get the shots. Dr. Syed has presented evidence in the past that makes it likely NSW Health has been doing that all along.

    4) FDA admits massive elevated risk for heart attacks, blood clots, and pulmonary emboli: FDA researchers published the results of a massive observational study of 30.7 million Medicare patients in 2021 and found that people who took the shot found that the shots increase risk of pulmonary embolism by 54%, acute myocardial infarction by 42%, blood clotting by 91%, and platelet disorder by 44%. The claim this is only an early warning signal and downplay the results, but they harmonize with many other surveys, studies, reporting, and an understanding of the shot’s mechanism of action.

    5) COVID vax was associated with 22%-74% greater all-cause mortality vs. being unvaccinated in U.K.: Prior to May 2022, the U.K. Health Security Agency published COVID case and death rates, age-stratified, by vaccination status. They terminated these weekly reports after we began using them against the system. El Gato Malo revisited the numbers and calculated somewhere between a 22% and 74% elevated risk of all-cause mortality associated with the vaccinated from September 2021 through April 2022.

    As you can see, this portends either negative efficacy or risk outweighing reward even for seniors over 80 who are constantly bombarded with endless boosters. This should not come as a surprise given that Pfizer’s own all-cause mortality analysis in its six-month follow-up of its trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed 21 deaths in the trial group and 17 in the placebo group. The company failed to follow through the rest of 2021 and 2022, but it’s reasonable to presume based on what we know now that the negative efficacy became worse with other variants. It’s also likely that the long-term injuries of the vaccine, which were never followed because of the unblinding of trial participants, came home to roost increasingly over time.

    6) New bivalent booster even worse: Remember the boosters that were approved with nothing but antibody tests and 8 blind mice? Well, now there are results of clinical trials for the bivalent booster approved last September, and members of the FDA advisory committee are expressing anger at not seeing this data. It turns out that 1.9% of the study participants who received the original booster became infected, while 3.2% of those with the new bivalent shot got COVID. This in itself demonstrates that not only does the detection of more antibodies not necessarily mean better clinical outcomes, but more antibodies of the wrong type can facilitate infection.

    7) Two studies show mRNA shots create wrong antibody class: In yet another possible indication that the shots actually make you more vulnerable to coronavirus, a second study has been published showing the shots create a class switch from IgG1-3 neutralizing antibodies to IgG4 “tolerating” antibodies, which can make someone keep getting the virus and not fight it off. Last month, German researchers, in a groundbreaking study published in Science Immunology, found that some people reinfected with the virus after having had boosters had over 40% of their antibodies composed of IgG4. Now a second peer-reviewed German paper, this time published in Frontiers in Immunology, found this phenomenon even after the original two doses. The shocking thing is that a Pfizer scientist served as the study’s editor and one of Fauci’s staffers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases served as a peer reviewer

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