Here We Go Again! It’s Time for Another Debt Ceiling Fight


    by Michael Maharrey, Schiff Gold:

    Here we go again.

    The clock is ticking down to another US debt ceiling fight.

    According to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the US government will officially bump up against the debt ceiling Thursday (Jan. 19).

    The debt ceiling is “the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare Benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds and other payments.”

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    On Dec. 16, 2021, a law went into effect setting the new debt limit at $31.381 trillion. Once the government hits that debt level, it can no longer sell Treasuries or other debt instruments to fund spending.

    But this doesn’t mean the government will simply shut down. The Treasury Department can implement “extraordinary measures” in order to continue funding government operations.

    According to a letter Yellen sent to Congress, the Treasury will redeem existing investments and suspend future investments in the Civil Service Retirement Disability Fund and the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. It will also suspend investment in a federal employee retirement system savings plan. According to Yellen, these moves will “reduce the amount of outstanding debt subject to the limit and temporarily provide extra capacity for Treasury to continue financing operations of the federal government.”

    It’s not clear how long the government can continue operating using these extraordinary measures. Most analysts estimate it will give Congress until sometime in June. It will depend somewhat on how much revenue the IRS collects this spring.


    Congress imposed the first debt ceiling in 1917. The Second Liberty Bond Act capped debt at $11.5 billion. This was supposed to put some kind of restraint on government borrowing. Of course, it didn’t. Every time the debt approaches the ceiling, Congress simply raises it. Between 1962 and 2011, lawmakers jacked up the debt “limit” 74 times, according to the Congressional Research Service.

    In 2013, Congress came up with a new trick. Instead of raising the debt ceiling, it just suspended it. In 2014, Congress set the debt limit with a built-in “auto-adjust.” The auto-adjust ended in March 2015 with the debt ceiling set at $18.1 trillion. After that, Congress simply suspended the debt ceiling three times.

    After Congress set the current debt ceiling in December 2021, it took just 46 days for Uncle Sam to dig itself another $1 trillion in the hole, pushing the national debt above the $30 trillion mark. Less than a year later, in October 2022, the national debt pushed above $31 trillion, setting the stage for yet another debt ceiling battle.

    And this one might be a doozy with Republicans controlling the House, Democrats running the Senate, and Joe Biden in the White House.


    Make no mistake, Congress will raise the debt limit. It will posture. It will bluster. It will play a dramatic game of chicken. We might even have to endure another fake government shutdown. But when it’s all said and done, Republicans and Democrats will reach some kind of compromise. They will not leave the current debt ceiling in place. That would mean default – something nobody is seriously willing to contemplate.

    In an honest world, the US would just go ahead and default. There is no way the federal government will ever pay off a $31 trillion-plus dollar debt. The government can’t even get its budget deficits under control. The Biden administration is spending money at a half-a-trillion-dollar per month clip, and any talk of spending cuts by the Republicans is nothing but window-dressing. The GOP had ample opportunity to slash spending during the first two years of Trump’s administration when it controlled both the White House and Congress. Instead, it ramped up spending and ran massive deficits.

    As Peter Schiff noted in a recent tweet, the feds are running a Ponzi scheme to keep the government solvent.

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