Has The World Economic Forum Just Reached “Peak Creepy”?


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Why do people think that it is creepy that a group of “select human beings” have gathered in Davos, Switzerland to shape the agenda of the entire planet?  Could it be because many of the attendees are horny aging narcissists that truly believe that they are “saving the world”?  During the day they listen to speeches about diversity, equality and inclusion, and then at night many of them pay young women to perform degrading sex acts.  But since they have lots of money, they are able to pay the “sex workers” very well.  Of course a lot of them flew into Davos on carbon-spewing private jets, but then they have the gall to lecture the rest of us about turning up our thermostats a little bit too much in the middle of the winter.  Sadly, no matter what these elitists do, the mainstream media will continue to portray them as “saviors” that are justifiably telling the rest of us how to live our lives.

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    As he opened the 2023 annual meeting, WEF head Klaus Schwab urged the gathered elitists to “master the future”

    So if they are the ones that will be the “masters” of the future, who will be the ones that they are subjugating?

    I think that we all know the answer to that question.

    Over the years, Schwab has made so many controversial statements, but the mainstream media just keeps apologizing for him again and again.

    Why is that?

    Speaking of controversial statements, something that John Kerry just said during his speech at Davos is really raising a lot of eyebrows.

    Kerry actually had the gall to say that those gathered in Davos are “select human beings” and that their mission to save the planet is “almost extraterrestrial”

    The billionaire politician, who married into the wealthy Heinz family, heaped praise on those who attended the meeting in the Swiss ski resort town, saying how “extraordinary that we select human beings… are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.”

    “I mean it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about quote ‘saving the planet’. If you said that to most people, they think you’re just a crazy tree-hugging Lefty liberal do-good… but really that’s where we are.”

    Has Kerry gone completely nuts?

    It is frightening to think that this guy almost became the president of the United States…

    Sadly, the truth is that the globalists that are gathered in Davos are not really “elite” at all.

    In fact, many of them are just a bunch of gross old men that are paying beautiful young women to perform sex acts

    The global elite tackling the world’s greatest problems – including gender inequality -at the Davos summit are fuelling a surge in prostitution in the Swiss resort town.

    Demand for sex work skyrockets each year at the meeting of world leaders and business tycoons who jet in from all around the world to rub shoulders with each other.

    Escorts are booked into the same hotels as high-powered bosses and their employees during the five-day summit, which started on January 16.

    How does renting them for sex “empower” these young women?

    It is being reported that “escort services are fully booked for the week” because there is such raging demand

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