Globalists ‘Unleash The Kraken’ To Terrify More People Into Taking Their ‘Lethal Injections’ While The Vaxxes Keep Causing A Still Growing Body Count As Globalists Kill Off The Useless Eaters


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    All the way back in 1976 during the Swine Flu outbreakfears of a swine flu pandemic had loomed large, so President Gerald Ford had ordered an unprecedented mass vaccination of everyone in the United States. As Wikipedia reported of the disastrous rollout of that vax, after the program began, the vaccine was associated with an increase in reports of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), which can cause paralysis, respiratory arrest, and death. The immunization program was ended after approximately 25% of the population of the United States had been administered the vaccine.

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    With BBC putting out a story back on September 21st of 2020 titled “The fiasco of the 1976 ‘swine flu affair’” within which they warned of that disaster “With a pandemic looming, the US president announced a warp-speed effort to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the country. As Richard Fisher discovers, the mistakes that followed hold lessons for today,” it’s clear by the still-growing body count in America and across the world that ‘they‘ learned nothing at all, unless the ‘true purpose‘ of ‘this vax’ was to maim and kill as many people as possible.

    Twenty-three years after the disastrous Swine Flu vax fiasco in 1999, the Rotavirus vaccine was hastily withdrawn after medical studies found a very small risk to babies who’d received the vax developing a dangerous intestinal blockage, with reports of 1 to 2 ‘adverse events‘ happening for every 10,000 babies ‘vaxxed.’ And while that story attempted to ‘sell‘ the benefits of that 1999 vax, it showed us just how quickly ‘vaxxes‘ were withdrawn during that time period, especially in comparison to NOW.

    So while it’s practically impossible in 2023 to get any exact numbers of people who’ve been injured or killed by the ‘COVID vaxxes‘ that were forced upon the American people by members of both political parties over the last few years because the CDC and US govt are trying their very best to cover up what many have warned is nothing less than ‘genocide,’ as Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn warned in this new story over at his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter, more and more Doctors and medical experts are now speaking up about the dangers of this ‘jab,’ warning its time to stop it immediately.

    Yet unlike back in 1976 or 1999, these warnings are falling on deaf ears, proving to the American people there is nothing less than genocidal criminality behind the rollout of these vaxxes, with ‘vax analyst‘ Ed Dowd warning days ago that “something horrible is going on and the longer they ignore it, the more criminal it is.”

    So with the chance of genocidal maniacs admitting to mass murder about the same as the chances of treasonous politicians ever admitting to stealing elections, or the chance of a serial killer ever just admitting to carrying out a massive crime spree while it is still ongoing and they are getting away with their ‘life extermination agenda,’ as we’ll explore in the next section of this story below, these devils keep pushing their death shots on the dumbed down masses, no matter how many people are dying.

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