Even The Mainstream Media Is Now Admitting That “The Earth Is Suffering A Crisis Of Mass Extinction”


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Scientists are telling us that we are in the midst of the worst mass extinction that our planet has seen since the days of the dinosaurs.  So why aren’t more people alarmed by this?  Have we become so “dumbed down” that we don’t even have the intellectual capacity to care about our own future any longer?  As I discuss in my latest book, plankton are being wiped out at a staggering rate and that means that all of the food chains in our oceans are in peril.  Meanwhile, insects are disappearing so rapidly that experts are warning that they may be almost totally gone about a hundred years from now.  Of course countless other species are steadily going extinct as well.  In fact, a recent study that included “data from 32,000 populations of more than 5,000 species of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish” discovered that on average those populations have “plummeted nearly 70 percent in the last 50 years”.

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    Everywhere around us, life is being wiped out.

    That means that we are in danger of being wiped out as well.

    But for now, most people don’t seem to care.  As long as they have whatever they personally need, they are just going to keep enjoying their lives as they always have.

    Unfortunately, the clock is ticking.  Last Sunday, 60 Minutes ran a segment in which they admitted that “the Earth is suffering a crisis of mass extinction on a scale unseen since the dinosaurs”…

    But on this New Year’s Day, the population is 8 billion. Today, wild plants and animals are running out of places to live. The scientists you’re about to meet say the Earth is suffering a crisis of mass extinction on a scale unseen since the dinosaurs.

    Yes, this is really happening.

    Everywhere you look, life is being wiped out, and it is getting worse with each passing year.

    recent NPR article boldly declared that “animal populations are declining, and we’ve got limited time to try to fix it”.

    Sadly, most people don’t seem to understand that humanity will not be able to survive when the animals, fish, birds and insects are gone.

    We are being openly warned that if we stay on the path that we are currently on it will “cause modern human society to crumble”

    That grim reality, according to the researchers, means that even if humans manage to survive in some capacity, the wide-reaching impacts of mass extinction — which include habitat destruction, breakdowns in the natural food chain, soil infertility, and more — would cause modern human society to crumble.

    If we want to turn things around, we need to take massive action right now.

    But the elite don’t seem to have any solutions.

    Instead, they keep coming up with absolutely ridiculous ideas that won’t do any good at all.  For example, a New York Times editorial recently suggested that we should all “mate with shorter people” in order to save the world…

    A New York Times op-ed suggests that everyone should “mate with shorter people” in order to save the planet.

    Yes, really.

    Author Mara Altman, claims that “When you mate with shorter people, you’re potentially saving the planet by shrinking the needs of subsequent generations.”

    “Lowering the height minimum for prospective partners on your dating profile is a step toward a greener planet,” she adds in the piece.

    This was actually published by the New York Times.

    Sometimes I think that we are simply too stupid to survive as a species for much longer.

    Look, the truth is that one of the biggest problems that we are facing is that we are literally poisoning our entire planet with microplastics.

    Read More @ EndOfTheAmericanDream.com