E. Michael Jones: “The Ukraine War Is Going to End in 2023—and the Russians Are Going to Win”


    by Kevin Barrett and E. Michael Jones, The Unz Review:

    In the special New Year’s Edition of False Flag Weekly News I asked E. Michael Jones if he had any predictions for 2023. Here is a condensed and edited transcript.

    Kevin Barrett: Last year at this time we were going from 2021 to 2022. And little did we know it would be the year of going from the virus to the Russians.

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    So what’ll it be this year? An alien invasion?

    E. Michael Jones: I don’t know. It seems that everything–there’s a Latin saying motus in fine velocior, “things speed up toward the end.” So we don’t really get breaks from crises anymore. It’s just one thing after another. The COVID thing obliterated the huge crisis before that… And now we’re back with a war in the Ukraine. Who knows what’s going to happen? But I’ll make a prediction. The war in the Ukraine is going to end and the Russians are going to win it. And whether that leads to American troops on the ground and World War III and nuclear war is something I can’t predict at this point.

    Kevin Barrett: 2022 was the year that nuclear war became a thing. And I don’t think that’s a good thing. It’s back to the duck and cover drills! The United Nations is telling us that nuclear war is likely again. And the mainstream media is telling us which parts of the United States are going to get blown up if there’s a full scale thermonuclear war. And New York City is putting out a nuclear war PSA telling New Yorkers to stick their heads under their desk and then between their legs and kiss it goodbye, as it were. Like the old hippie notice said.

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