Can Greenies Do Math?


    by Mike Konrad, American Thinker:

    The Cross Bronx Expressway (CBE) is arguably the most detested road in America. It was cut through thriving neighborhoods, and destroyed a large part of the Bronx — concentrating minorities in the south of the borough in neighborhoods of grinding poverty.

    The powers that be are planning to correct the environmental “injustices” that are the result of this notorious thoroughfare, chiefly the air pollution.

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    Community advocates, elected officials, and one Columbia Mailman School professor have worked for years to do something about the Cross Bronx Expressway, a major source of air pollution linked to high rates of asthma in nearby communities of color. — Columbia Health Nov 11, 2021

    These green lobbyists have come up with a brilliant idea. Their proposed solution is to cap the expressway by erecting overpasses over the road which will have parks and trees, remedying the problem.

    Of course, the initial study alone will cost two million dollars.

    However, has anyone done the math?

    Approximately 200,000 vehicles use the CBE each day.

    We can create a Cross-Bronx Expressway that both uplifts marginalized communities and provides rapid transit for the 200,000 vehicles it serves each day —

    We can safely assume an average mileage of 15 miles per gallon of fuel for those vehicles, which is probably generous, as a lot of the traffic on the CBE includes belching trucks, and poorly maintained cars, all of which will be stalled in traffic congestion, which can create visible heat eddies in the air (which I have seen in person). Yes, I know some vehicles will be using diesel, but this is a back of the envelope estimate.

    These 200,000 vehicles will go across the 6.5-mile length of the road — (200,000 x 6.5) or 1.3 million miles — every day: (approx 475,000,000 miles per year). Divide that by 15 miles per gallon and we have 86, 667 gallons of fuel being used per day, as a very rough estimate.  Approx. 31.6 million gallons per year.

    gallon of gas produces approx. 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.  Our estimate will ignore, for now, the carbon monoxide output. So 86,667 gallons of gas will produce approx. 1.73 million pounds of C02 per day.  In one year, that would translate to roughly 631 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

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