Yes, Vaccines Cause Autism


    by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

    And, yes, the government knows they do

    Editor’s note: A version of this article was originally published on Jennifer Margulis’s Substack channel, Vibrant Life. Support independent journalism by subscribing to her channel.

    Our friend and colleague, J.B. Handley, a graduate of Stanford University, a successful investor, and a father of three, has a young adult son with nonverbal autism.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    As he details in his book, How to End the Autism Epidemic, Handley–like literally hundreds of thousands of other parents (including this onethis onethis onethis one, and this one)–watched firsthand how the vaccines given to his boy at every “well baby” visit caused his son Jamison to slip away into autism.

    At the same time, the connection between vaccines and autism has been soundly dismissed by the CDC and the vaccine manufacturers. They insist that vaccines are “safe and effective” and that the idea that vaccines may cause autism–or any other health issue, for that matter–is nothing but “conspiracy theory.”

    This blanket dismissal is nonsensical. Many excellent books have been written about why. For those of you who are new to thinking about vaccine safety issues, I’ll give you a few highlights.

    1. Every vaccine has a different safety and efficacy profile. To say “vaccines are safe and effective” is akin to saying: “Gas works and all gas works for every car.” Then, when a car that takes diesel runs rough on unleaded fuel, you blame everything but the gasoline.
    2. The CDC continues to add vaccines to the schedule without removing any. While any given vaccine may be safe (see #1), overloading a child’s body with so many vaccines so soon is not.
    3. Autism is likely multifactorial. There may be several environmental toxins that cause autism. At the same time, there are now hundreds of studies that show that children who receive fewer vaccines or none at all have a lower risk of many health problems, including autism and other forms of brain damageinfant mortality, and several chronic illnesses, including asthma, central nervous system demyelinating syndromes, and chronic arthritis.

    Not a Conspiracy Theory

    Despite the pharmaceutically-funded pseudo-science that claims otherwise, over-vaccination is likely a causative if not the causative factor in the rise in autism in the United States. In other words, yes, vaccines cause autism.

    Our government knows about it and has purposefully kept this information from the public.

    The truth is that our autism rates should be 1 in 10,000, which is what they were in the 1970s. Which implies that the vast majority of cases of severe autism can be prevented. There are safe and effective ways to help prevent your child from suffering from toxicant-induced brain and immunological damage. There are also safe and effective ways to recover your child from environmentally induced autism.

    Some Backstory

    In the late 1990s in the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began calculating the amount of mercury infants were receiving via intramuscular injection courtesy of childhood vaccines.

    At that time, mercury, in the form of thimerosal, was added to vaccines as a preservative. But since in the United States, vaccines are approved on a vaccine-by-vaccine basis, no government agency had ever calculated the cumulative amounts of mercury exposure American babies were being subjected to.

    The math yielded worrisome results. Government officials realized that the amount of mercury the average child was receiving far exceeded maximum safety levels. As David Kirby details in his 2005 bestseller, Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, many parents believed that their children with autism were exhibiting symptoms of mercury poisoning.

    To test whether the mercury in vaccines was causing brain damage, the CDC commissioned Thomas Verstraeten, M.D., to compare health outcomes in children who had received high doses of mercury early in their lives with children who hadn’t received any mercury.

    When he crunched the numbers, Verstraeten found large statistically significant correlations between high doses of mercury and outcomes like autism, ADHD, tics, and speech disorders. He redid the numbers the next month and found an even higher correlation for autism. In fact, autism was more than 11 times as common in the high early exposure group than the non-exposure group.

    These first calculations were nicknamed “Generation Zero” by the people at SafeMinds, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the autism epidemic by supporting environmental research and effective treatments. SafeMinds, which was co-founded by Sallie Bernard and Lyn Redwood (a nurse married to a medical doctor), received the information through a Freedom of Information Act request.

    So what did the CDC do with that information? First, they tried to make the signal go away. Then, when they couldn’t, they called a closed-doors secret meeting in June of 2000 at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center in Norcross, Georgia, to which they also invited vaccine manufacturers.

    SafeMinds also received the transcript of the meeting in that same FOIA request.

    Nothing To Worry About, Nothing At All

    One doctor at that meeting insisted he didn’t want his new grandson to be injected with any thimerosal-containing vaccines. But, true to form, the Simpsonwood participants still managed to convince themselves there was nothing to worry about.

    In fact, what they were most concerned about was the damage this information could do to the overall childhood vaccine program, not the damage that the vaccines were actually doing to the brains and bodies of America’s children. So, presumably with clear consciences, they decided not to make any of the worrisome findings available to the public.

    Verstraeten massaged the numbers a few more times. Three years after the secret meeting at Simpsonwood, he finally managed to make enough of the signal go away that what remained was statistically insignificant–except for the connection between mercury-containing vaccines and tics. The end result was a neutral study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Pediatrics in 2003, with no consistent findings. The authors reported “conflicting results” and could not make any definitive statements or reach any conclusions about whether thimerosal in vaccines caused brain damage.

    The data was so inconclusive and the water so muddy, in fact, that all the scientists concluded was: “For resolving the conflicting findings, studies with uniform neurodevelopmental assessments of children with a range of cumulative thimerosal exposures are needed.”

    But that wasn’t how the press reported it. Verstraeten’s “neutral” study was touted as “proof” that vaccines didn’t cause autism, even though the good folks at the CDC knew that it was anything but.

    Without ever admitting a causal link between thimerosal and brain damage, vaccine manufacturers began a voluntary phase-out of mercury in vaccines.

    While mercury is now used as an ingredient in only three brands of vaccines for influenza as well as one brand of tetanus-diphtheria vaccine, the problem of environmentally-induced autism continues.

    Our public health officials continue turning a blind eye to the damages caused by the cumulative exposure to harmful vaccine ingredients.

    Many of the world’s experts on aluminum–a known neurotoxin which is present in many of the childhood vaccines as an adjuvant–believe this ingredient is also causing brain damage and immunological damage to children born today.

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