Worldwide shadow government behind “elected” government officials and public health institutions


    by Ethan Huff, via DC Clothesline:

    Despite appearing like a Democrat operation, the global vaccine infrastructure we are seeing unfold was actually architected by a hidden shadow government that quietly and in the background pulls the strings of the visible governments we are all allowed to see. And this shadow government has been busy with this for many, many decades.

    The Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), GAVI, USAID, the World Bank, and many other globalist entities and groups have all been working in tandem to orchestrate this global vaccine regime, which is just about complete.

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    Wealthy investors often create funds of “non-profit” organizations that pose as public health institutions. Their money is then funneled into deep state operations aimed at force-jabbing the entire world with experimental pharmaceuticals such as Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

    These money-grubbing power brokers also routinely buy off politicians and control their every move – and they do this on both sides of the political aisle. (Related: Check out this video from to learn more about how to fight back against deep state tyranny).

    “In short, wealthy organisations and individuals are getting you and your government to pay for and implement private interests through public policies,” reports The Exposé. “Policies that are geared towards a pre-determined conclusion that is to the benefit of those wealthy interests.”

    Thirty-eight people control the lives of the other eight billion, says French billionaire

    According to French billionaire and RDH President Philippe Argillier, this shadow government infrastructure is behind the government officials who are paraded in front of the world. The people we see, in other words, are just puppets following the globalists’ orders.

    Some of these politicians are paid off with bribes while others are blackmailed into compliance. The worst of the worst politicians, i.e., the ones who visit places like Epstein Island via the Lolita Express, are eager to obey in order to prevent their filthy deeds from being exposed to the world.

    “Altogether, 38 individuals run the daily lives of eight billion people on earth,” Argillier is quoted as saying to Nations in Action. “The Biden administration is under the control of the shadow government. I can confirm this without any hesitation based upon the information that I have.”

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