Who Will Start The First Major War Of 2023?


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Tensions are on the rise all over the planet, and global conflict will be one of the big trends that we will all be watching in 2023.  And that is extremely unfortunate, because more global conflict won’t be good for any of us.  Considering what we have been through the past several years, we could really use a time of peace.  Sadly, as I write this article it appears that more war is inevitable.  But where will it erupt first?  In recent days, the mainstream media has suggested several potential candidates…

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    Will it be Serbia?

    Things haven’t been this tense between Serbia and Kosovo since Bill Clinton was president.

    There have been several alarming incidents over the past month, and now it is being reported that the president of Serbia has just raised the alert level of his military to the “highest level of combat readiness”

    As Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine heads towards its one-year anniversary, another European flashpoint is in danger of reigniting a second war on the continent.

    Kosovo was at the center of the last all out-war in Europe in the late ‘90s and tensions there have never fully dissipated.

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has this week put his army on its “highest level of combat readiness” to protect ethnic Serbian areas in northern Kosovo he says are under threat from Kosovo. Vucic says his military will “take all measures to protect our people and preserve Serbia.”

    But I don’t think that Serbia will be first.

    The major powers of western Europe are desperate to avoid a second war in their own backyard, and both sides still seem open to a diplomatic solution.

    Will it be North Korea?

    Just a few years ago, things were going so much better with North Korea.

    But now with Joe Biden in the White House any hope for lasting peace has gone out the window.

    The North Koreans have been getting increasingly aggressive, and this week they actually sent a drone almost all the way to Seoul.

    In response, the South Korean military “flew surveillance assets” into North Korea…

    South Korea’s military fired warning shots, scrambled fighter jets and flew surveillance assets across the heavily fortified border with North Korea on Monday, after North Korean drones violated its airspace for the first time in five years in a fresh escalation of tensions.

    South Korea’s military detected five drones from North Korea crossing the border, and one traveled as far as the northern part of the South Korean capital region, which is about an hour’s drive away, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

    I think that the North Koreans were trying to probe South Korea’s defenses.

    If this keeps happening, South Korea is promising to “thoroughly and resolutely respond”

    “Our military will thoroughly and resolutely respond to this kind of North Korean provocation,” Maj. Gen. Lee Seung-o, spokesman for the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a press briefing.

    Tensions along the militarized border have already been high due to Pyongyang firing off a record number of ballistic and other missiles this year, including a pair fired last week toward Japan. With now days left in 2022, analysts have tracked over 90 missiles fired this year.

    Tensions on the Korean peninsula are the highest that they have been in decades, but I don’t think that this will be the first major war to erupt in 2023 either.

    Personally, it is my opinion that North Korea will not seriously consider an invasion of South Korea until China invades Taiwan.

    Will it be China?

    Years ago, a lot of people thought that I was nuts for warning that the U.S. and China would eventually go to war.

    And I could definitely understand the skepticism, because our stores are filled with goods made in China and our ties with the Chinese just kept getting tighter and tighter.

    But now “the Taiwan issue” has changed everything.

    This week, the Chinese “sent 71 planes and seven ships toward Taiwan” in just one 24 hour period…

    China’s military sent 71 planes and seven ships toward Taiwan in a 24-hour display of force directed at the island, Taiwan’s defense ministry said Monday, after China expressed anger at Taiwan-related provisions in a recently approved U.S. annual defense spending bill.

    China’s military harassment of self-ruled Taiwan, which it claims is its own territory, has intensified in recent years, and the Communist Party’s People’s Liberation Army has sent planes or ships toward the island on a near-daily basis.

    When China ultimately invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will instantly be in a state of war.

    And once that happens, the flow of goods from China immediately ends.

    Are you prepared for that?

    But I don’t think that such a scenario will play out just yet.

    My personal opinion is that there is another major conflict that is likely to erupt even sooner.

    Will it be Iran?

    For years, Benjamin Netanyahu pledged that he would never, ever allow the Iranians to build their own nuclear weapons.

    Well, the IAEA claims that the Iranians are now “one technical step away” from enriching weapons-grade uranium.

    So it is put up or shut up time for Netanyahu.

    Either he takes military action or he lives with a nuclear Iran.

    Of course if Israel launches an attack on Iran, the Iranians will hit back extremely hard.

    In fact, the Iranians just threatened to raze Tel Aviv “to the ground” if Israel decides to attack…

    Iran has threatened to raze Tel Aviv ‘to the ground’ in a chilling video explaining how Tehran would respond to an Israeli strike on its nuclear plant.

    The video that the Iranians have produced actually contains “several terrifying explosions to demonstrate what would happen to Tel Aviv”

    The two and a half minute video – posted by @MEMRIReports – contains violent footage of missiles going off and several terrifying explosions to demonstrate what would happen to Tel Aviv.

    ‘This is what the first few minutes of the Iranian response will look like,’ the video explained.

    Once this war starts, it is going to be incredibly destructive.

    But I don’t think that it will start the way that most people are expecting.

    As they say, stay tuned for future developments.

    Meanwhile, I believe that things in Ukraine are about to get even more “interesting”.

    Read More @ EndOfTheAmericanDream.com