Twitter Files – Our Own Government is on the Side of the Ruling Elite


    by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

    What have we learned from the Twitter Files thus far? Two things:

    1) Social media routinely censored conservative voices and conservative media for at least six years. The censorship was blatant, constant, and politically motivated, with the goal of changing public beliefs and opinions to help Democratic candidates win elections. Social media even colluded with government agencies on this censorship – federal agencies conspiring to ensure that their then-boss was not reelected, which was, incidentally, big-time illegal (not that anyone will ever be charged with a crime for it).

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    2) After hearing Conservatives complain about such censorship for years while social media companies denied it (denials that were parroted by Democrat leaders and the mainstream media), the public has gotten used to it. Conservatives are rightfully upset, but independents generally do not want to be bothered by such news. When Democrat leaders or the mainstream media do bother to talk about it, they say this is nothing new. Of course, Conservatives are censored – as they have been for YEARS, and with good cause! Come on, folks, this is hardly anything new, so move on.

    The story was out there for at least six years while the political left said it was not happening, and now that the story of censorship can no longer be denied, the story is that the censorship of Conservatives is old news and not a big deal. Conservatives are censored for your own good, lest you consider listening to them. Of COURSE, they are, and how could they not be?!? What do you think this is: a free country?!? We TRIED freedom, which did not work, so now we will tell you what to think, what to believe, what to say, what to buy, and what to do.

    And other than some mild grumbling from Conservatives, we go along to get along under the guise of ‘what else can we do?’

    Social media, in the meantime, sorts what we see based on our preferences, which means that everything we see has been censored based on our preferences. We self-censor our news sources and the rest of our media. Taken together, this means that the left and right have no real overlap, such that they see completely different views of the world. We are rarely, if ever, exposed to alternative views (when we are, we are apt to become uncomfortable and to lash out), and so over time, as a nation, we become more and more polarized.

    This is all by design, and the polarization of the public along political lines, along with censorship and propaganda designed to push the center ever further left, is having the desired effect: the public is slowly but surely accepting the new normal, and is starting to see our slow but steady slide into tyranny, if not as a good thing, then at least as a normal thing.

    Ironically, the worse we are governed (and the worse things get), the more the media cajoles the public to clamor for help, with social media and the mainstream media calling for government solutions. In other words, the worse Democrats do in running the country, the more the public overall is apt to support them.

    Was there any call for a public medical care solution before Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society gave us Medicare? Of course not – medical care was cheap and affordable until the government got involved to make it more so. So was college, and so were a host of different things. The things the government stays out of, such as electronics (and, of all things, laser eye surgery), become more and more affordable over time. The things the government deems to make ‘more affordable’ always become less so.

    And this is by design.

    Look at Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) initiatives in colleges. Does hiring an army of people whose sole job is propagandizing programs while destroying standards make college more affordable? Of course not!  All of those DIE employees cost money, and if we are to both teach college students a skill while also propagandizing them, they will, of course, need to take more classes. DIE is making our colleges less effective as places of higher learning (you might say colleges now remove what students may have already learned), and do so at ever higher cost.

    DIE will have the same impact on corporations, who are driven to enact DIE initiatives to get investment income from investment groups like Blackrock. These corporations are becoming less competitive, less effective, less concerned with overall results, and thus weaker. Governments and investment houses work very hard to ensure that all corporations follow this path, so these corporations are not apt to go out of business. Still, their costs of doing business are exploding and with them, so too are the costs paid by consumers for all of the goods and services corporations make. One of the issues with communism is that it destroys the incentives to produce. So too, does DIE. 

    DIE drives inflation, and DIE is only going to get worse.

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) sees the world going in one of two directions: toward more freedom and prosperity, or toward totalitarianism and decline. Freedom and prosperity has been deemed beyond the control of the political elites, and thus the WEF considers freedom and prosperity to be irrational and destructive forces. 

    The WEF questions whether or not everyone on Earth can realistically live in the lifestyles freedom has delivered (for those fortunate enough to live in free countries), and the WEF speculates that trying to bring the rest of the world up to a modicum of comfort (as making more people free would do) might increase the demands for raw materials to levels that would destroy the planet.

    What can we expect to see happen as our country continues to limp forward into a slow oblivion? I expect less and less respect for property laws, higher and higher taxes, less access to ever more expensive energy, a reduction in living standards, and the growth of America’s adversaries (who are not committed to DIE). I expect that our lives will get worse and worse over time, and all along the way, I expect that we will be told the reason our lives are getting worse is not excessive government, but a lack of government.

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