Teachers Brag as Liberal Indoctrination Takes Effect


    from Moonbattery:

    The primary survival mechanism for humans is socialization. We need each other to stay alive. This results in an instinct to conform, which is particularly strong during the formulative years of childhood. Liberals have exploited this to bully children into conforming to the sickest ideology ever devised — namely, moonbattery.

    Leftist teachers openly boast about their success in indoctrination:

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    The self-described “liberal” teacher, Heather Marie Godbout, regularly posts about “anti-racist education.” For example, the teacher does not traditionally grade her students for equity purposes.

    Merit is racist, per liberal ideology. Godbout shrieks that grading turns kids into “point gathering individuals.” Individuals are a violation of oligarchical collectivist principles.

    She added that grading gets “conflated with other things that aren’t actually learning, like effort or ‘work ethic,’ whatever that means.”

    Our government agrees that the work ethic is to be associated with hated Caucasians and therefore rejected.

    Some liberals believe that the war is over. A triumphant tone has set in:

    “All you right wing conspiracy theory nut jobs who seem to think the teachers are out here just indoctrinating children into some sort of woke agenda that you can’t actually define, I’m just going to come clean. I am, in fact, indoctrinating your children,” she said.

    Godbout says she tries to “lead with compassion”…

    “But we’re talking about people who right now are legitimately trying to bring down our democracy and create a Christian nationalist theocracy.”

    “Our democracy” is liberalese for Democrat rule.

    Godbout, who undoubtedly advocates abortion, justifies her hostility to nonliberals by screaming that Republicans are “talking about legislation that will literally unlive people.”

    “So I don’t really feel the need to be respectful of them or anything that they have to say,” she said.

    That likely goes for any children who strike her as having countermoonbat views.

    Godbout isn’t the only teacher who has stopped denying that children are being indoctrinated. For example:

    A Texas middle school teacher named Kelsey McCracken bragged about “indoctrinating” students on TikTok while interrogating each of her classes about whether they believed a non-binary identity made them uncomfortable, Fox News Digital found.

    The indoctrination is producing results:

    American children have seen an explosion of gender dysphoria with cases more than doubling in recent years.

    Prescriptions for puberty-blocking drugs among under-18s doubled between 2017 and 2021, while scripts for hormone therapies have seen a similar rise.

    Some of the damage inflicted by hormone therapy is irreversible.

    [S]tudies show the number of ‘top’ surgeries being carried out on children has risen 13-fold in the last decade.

    Any sane society would punish the sexual mutilation of children severely. In ours, it is making people rich.

    The same indoctrination that renders children vulnerable to the sex change cartel carries over into adulthood:

    Almost 40 percent of students identify as LGBTQ at liberal arts colleges, according to a report published by the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, a center-right think tank that researches partisanship in academic and scientific fields.

    “Liberal arts colleges are the least politically diverse. Many have almost no conservatives, and thus very low viewpoint diversity. But they have high sexual diversity, at nearly 40 percent LGBT,” stated the report, titled “Diverse and Divided: A Political Demography of American Elite Students.”

    The good news is that if something cannot go on forever, it will stop. The bad news is that if we don’t stop the rot ourselves, we will become so provocatively weak that someone will stop it for us — whether it is the ChiComs, radical Muslims, or even Russia. Nuclear weapons will likely be involved.

    Read More @ Moonbattery.com