People dying equals Coronavirus?


    by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

    People sick, people dying. How many people? Unknown. Massive lockdowns of Chinese cities. Citizens trying to escape. For the global audience, this equals coronavirus, not because they know the virus is the cause—proof is beside the point. The virus is the cause because IT MUST BE. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?

    A plane full of passengers explodes right after takeoff and falls into the ocean. A faulty engine must be the cause. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? Missile strike? Ridiculous.

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    A CIA director is found face down in a marsh along a river. He died of a heart attack. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?

    When brutal air pollution in Wuhan obviously brings on lung disease; and when the primary symptom of the coronavirus is supposed to be lung disease; and when citizens of the city have been falling ill and dying from lung disease long before the virus appeared—does this matter?


    When governments and corporations have been using THE VIRUS as a cover story to obscure and explain away their crimes against populations, for decades and decades—does this matter?

    When previous so-called epidemics—for example, West Nile, SARS, Zika, and Swine Flu—turned out to be complete unproven duds—does this history matter?


    A face on a television screen watched by millions of people says CORONAVIRUS. Therefore, case closed.

    In 2009, in La Gloria, Mexico, on a giant commercial pig farm, pig feces and urine are allowed to bake and steam and bubble in the sun. These deposits are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space. Toxic chemicals are routinely sprayed and laid out like whipped cream on the lagoons. Workers are falling ill. New workers are brought in to spray even more toxic chemicals. Workers die. Then the Centers for Disease Control sends in their tuned-up virus hunters to look for the germ causing the “mysterious” illness. They claim to find a Swine Flu virus. IT MUST BE THE VIRUS. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? THE DECAYING PIG SHIT AND URINE? The layers of poisonous chemicals? Don’t be ridiculous.

    Later, in the summer of 2009, CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovers that the overwhelming percentage of tissue samples from US Swine Flu patients are coming back from labs with no sign of ANY KIND OF FLU. The virus isn’t there.

    And yet, of course, we have this, written in the summer of 2009: From

    “The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has a patent for, Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof (patent #8124101). It was filed in 2005 for approval. The makers of the human variant of the swine flu virus waited until the patent was finally approved in January of 2009, before unleashing the virus into the wild. The makers of the swine flu vaccine had begun the lengthy patenting process long before the swine flu supposedly existed, which means that the outbreak was no accident, and the virus is clearly not natural. Patents only apply to man-made items, and natural things cannot be patented. The virus conveniently went public only after its vaccine patent was approved, after patiently waiting 3 years for that to happen. The pandemic was declared just five months after the patent was approved, in June of 2009. The tremendous hysteria following the outbreak was promoted by the same groups who had invented this genetically engineered virus. The word ‘invented’ was actually used to describe the virus in the patent application.”

    What do you know about that? Back then, there were reports that the Swine Flu Virus—which couldn’t even be found in the overwhelmingly number of US patients—was actually a biowarfare germ. Sound familiar? And yet Swine Flu was a DUD.

    Another epidemic that was going to infect the world? West Nile Virus. Another dud. But here from an old article:

    “None of these theories [about West Nile] has deterred Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy from urging federal officials to determine if the introduction of WN virus is a terrorist attack. On September 12, 2002, Leahy declared: ‘I think we have to ask ourselves: Is it a coincidence that we’re seeing such an increase in WN virus – or is that something that’s being tested as a biological weapon against us’.” Sound familiar?

    And here, from and old article at, a piece about another epidemic dud, SARS 2003 (800 people died out of 7 billion):

    “The virus of atypical pneumonia, better known as SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, was created artificially, possibly as a bacteriological weapon, Sergei Kolesnikov, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told a press conference in the Siberian town of Irkutsk on Thursday, the Russian RIA Novosti news agency reported.”

    “According to Kolesnikov, the virus of atypical pneumonia is a synthesis of the viruses of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps, the natural compound of which is impossible. This can be done only in a laboratory, he said.”

    “Kolesnikov added that in creating bacteriological weapons, a protective anti-viral vaccine is, as a rule, worked out at the same time, so a medicine for atypical pneumonia may soon appear.”

    “He did not, however, rule out the possibility that the virus could have spread accidentally as a result of ‘an unsanctioned leakage’ from a biological weapons laboratory.”

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