Norwegian Filmmaker Tonje Gjevjon Facing Prison Time For Saying That A Transgender Woman Cannot Be Considered A Lesbian Mom, Violates Hate Speech Law


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    Actress Tonje Gjevjon in Norway is facing up to three years in prison on criminal hate-speech charges after saying that a man cannot become a lesbian.

    It doesn’t matter what country you travel to, the radical woke Far Left loves to eat its own, as Norwegian actress Tonje Gjevjon has found out. Gjevjon is a biological female who is a lesbian, and she has made comments that the state of Norway considers to be hate speech deserving of real prison time. What did she say that is so inflammatory? She said that a man cannot be a lesbian mother. Guess what? She’s right, biological men can never be a woman, a mother or a lesbian.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.” Job 13:4 (KJB)

    As we here at NTEB have warned you about for the past decade, the LGBTQIA+ agenda is one of dividing and conquering, and they are not taking prisoners. When they march under that rainbow banner, you need to know it’s a battle flag and they are waging warWar against whom? Against anyone and everyone who will not bow to their demonic insanity, and that includes fervent LGBTQIA+ Kool-Aid drinking lesbians like Tonje Gjevjon. Here in America, the Biden administration is halfway through Obama’s third term, and normalizing transgenderism seems to be their top priority. We’ve told you this before and I’ll tell you again here now. The battle is not for them to get you to ‘accept and tolerate’ transgenders, not at all. The battle is to pass laws that force you to accept that a biological man can become a woman, and that a biological woman can become a man. A man getting pregnant is now possible, anything you want to make up is now the norm. God made two genders, and this is the battle to destroy that. That’s what they’re after. And if you don’t go along, you will be punished to the full extent of the laws being passed right now. I will not acknowledge your pronouns, if you’re a biological man I will address you as ‘sir’ no matter how you’ve mutilated your body. There are two genders, you are one or the other.

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