MASSIVE Machine Failures And Voter Disenfranchisement In Red Districts Of Maricopa County “Could Not Arise Absent INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT” Says IT and Elections Expert


    by Jordan Conradson, The Gateway Pundit:

    Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit contesting the 2022 election includes sworn testimony from former voting machine tester and IT expert Clay Parikh, who stated that the massive printer and voting machine failures on election day “could not arise absent intentional misconduct.”

    Kari Lake put out a press release today highlighting critical findings from the lawsuit she filed on Friday, seeking to nullify and overturn the election or hold a new election free from conflicts of interest.

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    The Gateway Pundit reported that the Arizona election was stolen from Kari Lake and other Trump-Endorsed candidates for office through censorship on social media and massive election-day irregularities. Machines and printers in red districts failed Republican voters on election day, causing as long as four-hour waits and disenfranchising Republicans. Elections officials also colluded with big tech and the Federal Government to silence their Republican opponents.

    A roving attorney with the RNC reported that “72 of the 115 vote centers (62.61%) we visited had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots, causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting.”

    Lake’s filing stated, “The ballot tabulators and ballot printers experienced rampant breakdowns at no less than 132 out of the total 223 Maricopa County vote centers (59.2%), which prevented the ballot tabulators from scanning many voter’s ballots.”

    This Election Day failure was clear intentional misconduct by Maricopa County. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), run by Kari Lake-hating operative Stephen Richer kept a GOP heat map on its wall before the 2022 election to plot their crime.

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