Here Are 21 Tweets That Will Make You Smile As You Endure The “Once In A Generation” Storm That Is Roaring Across America


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    At times like these, it helps to smile.  As if we hadn’t already gone through enough in 2022, now a “once in a generation” winter storm is ripping across the country.  Thousands of flights have been cancelled, and “the coldest air in decades” is pouring into the Midwest.  This is truly a very bitter end to a very bitter year.  I wish that I could tell you that 2023 will be better, but that wouldn’t be the truth.  The consequences of literally decades of incredibly bad decisions are now catching up with us all at once, and so there will be a lot of pain in the year ahead.  But for the moment, let’s take a break from all of the troubling things that are happening and look back at some of the tweets that made us smile in 2022…

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